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Q: Something people believe in very strongly?
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Why did Islam keep going after it started?

Same reason as Christianity. If people believe something very strongly, it is very hard to make them think differently.

What does 'and how' mean?

It means to emphasize something very strongly, like "I liked that car, and how!"

Does Russia believe in God?

Many Russian people believe mainly in a higher force and a creator. Of course,some Russians are very religious in Christianity and Catholicism ,but the majority of the people there believe in something higher then life.

What is the meaning of a blind conviction?

To have a blind conviction is to believe in something very strongly, even though one has no reasons or evidence to support their belief. For example, religious faith is a blind conviction; one may believe in the existence of God, although there is no concrete proof of this.

Why are pilgrimages not important?

pilgrimages are very important depending on how religious you are, some are arrogant and ignorant about them yet others believe strongly for they believe it is of a big significance for them and their religion.

Why do some people speak very frankly?

People speak very frankly because they believe in truth. They don't find any enjoyment in just blabbering something which may not be the truth. Such people are straightforward and straight thinkers

Do all people need religion or some form of an afterlife or is it just our ego?

This is a very uneasy topic. There are people who have had contact to the afterlife or a form of after life. There are people who wish that there could be an afterlife, but don't believe in it. There are people who believe in a religion, and people who only believe in religion so they have something to emotionally attach themselves to.

What does HATE stand for?

The word hate means to despise or to strongly not like someone or something. It is an aversion and is a very angry feeling.

How many people believe in superstitions?

It's very difficult to answer that question. Most people believe in something that other people would call superstition, and in general, even though people don't like to admit it, or may not realize it, most people are superstitous in at least some area.

Do people paint names on tortoises shells?

YES! i strongly recomend you try this as it is very amusing.

How do you use the word passionate on an application form?

"I feel very passionate about ....." Passion is something that you are dedicated to and feel very strongly about. Computing, cycling, gardening ect.

Do all Baptist believe The Bible?

All Baptist is very brod b/c some people go to church just cause that's what they all do but the Baptist religon is strongly for the Bible... If they have a decition they go to the Bible