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call ur dad

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Q: Something that gives off light six letters?
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What is an adjective to describe something that gives off light?


What is the wire that gives off light in a light bulb?

In an incandescent light bulb the wire that gives off the light is called the Filament.

Name one sort of energy released by burning but not by respiration?

Light - if you burn something ( Wood ) it gives off light, whilst when you breath, no light comes out of your mouth.

Does the sun reflect light or gives off light?

The sun gives off light through a process called nuclear fusion in its core. This light then travels through space and reaches Earth, where some of it is reflected off surfaces like clouds, water, and sand.

What is the use of a light bulb?

How about, it gives off light.

What is the name of the amount of light a star gives off?

The amount of light a star gives off is the intensity or luminosity. Absolute Magnitude measures the amount of light given off.

What mineral gives off ultraviolet light?

The mineral that gives of ultraviolet light is Quratz

Which layer of the sun gives off heat and light?

The layer of the sun that gives off heat and light is the photosphere. It is the visible surface of the sun where most of its energy is emitted as sunlight.

What is a chemical reaction that gives off light inside a living organism called?

Bioluminescence - if it gives of visible light. However heat is also light and metabolism itself therefore gives off light, but you can not see it because it is infrared light.

How long does the sun give off its' light?

it gives off light for 12 hours

What is luminouse and non-luminouse?

Luminous objects emit light on their own, such as the sun or a light bulb. Non-luminous objects do not emit light but can be seen by reflecting light from luminous sources, like the moon or a book.

What are two ways that an object gives of light?

A torch emits light from the bulb. A mirror gives off light by reflection.