

Sound requires time to travel

Updated: 9/18/2023
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12y ago

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Yes, it requires time.

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Q: Sound requires time to travel
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What is needed for sound to travel?

Sound requires a medium to travel

Which requires a physical medium in which to travel light or sound?

it is sound that requires a medium to travel .. light is an electromagnetic wave doesn't require a medium..

Sound requires a what through which it travel?


What speed does sound travel from the sun to the earth in mph?

sound requires a medium, such as air, to travel. Space is a vacuum, so sound doesn't travel from the sun to earth.

Do air particles travel with sound sound waves?

since sound needs a medium for its propagation , it requires air particles to travel along with its waves.

Why light travel in vacuum but not sound?

Light requires nothing more than a source for transmission. sound requires a source and a medium to conduct it. In vacuum, there is no conductor for sound.

Can sounds travel in a vacuum?

No, sound requires a medium to travel.No it must travel through matter

What is required for sound to travel?

Sound requires a medium to travel through, such as air, water, or solids. It also requires a source of vibration or disturbance, such as a vibrating object or a sound wave. The vibrations create pressure waves that travel through the medium, and when those waves reach our ears, we perceive them as sound.

When is uni-lag pedIgree form coming out?

since the sound requires a medium to travel through. so the air is one of the medium for sound to travel. Therefore sound can travel through air.

What is sound an example of?

a mechanical wave that requires a medium through which to travel.

Light can travel through a vacuum as is evidenced when you see the sun or the moon. Can sound travel through a vacuum also?

No, sounds cannot travel through a vacuum. This is because sound requires a medium to travel through because it requires the vibration of particles to travel and there need to be particles to vibrate for it to travel through.

Why does light travel faster that sound in the air?

Sound requires the physical motion of material. Light doesn't.