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That is now Iraq.

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Q: Southern Mesopotamia is now what region in the Persian Gulf?
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Name the ancient agricultural region that extended from the Persian gulf through mesopotamia to the mediterranean sea?

Fertile crescent

What cardinal direction is the Persian gulf from Caspian Sea In Mesopotamia?

The Persian Gulf is hundreds of miles south of the Caspian Sea and neither are in Mesopotamia.

Is the Persian Gulf North or South or East or West of Mesopotamia?

It is southeast of Mesopotamia.

What is the relative location in Mesopotamia?

north-west of the Persian gulf

What marks the southernmost border of Mesopotamia?

The Persian gulf

Is the Mediterranean sea located in Mesopotamia?

The Mediterranean sea is not located in mesopotamia. I is bordering it with the Persian gulf

The strait at the southern end of the Persian Gulf?

The Strait of Hormuz is located at the southern end of the Persian Gulf. It is a part of the Indian Ocean.

The region in which Mesopotamia existed stretched from the Mediterranean Sea to the Persian Gulf along what fertile river system?

Umm isnt it his websites job to answer the questions?

What are mesopotamia's borders?

Only the Persian Gulf, which is not an ocean. Only if you sail out thousands of miles, the Gulf will first change into the Persian Sea and much further out, into the Indian ocean. But the Indian Ocean does not 'border' Mesopotamia.

Varjak Paw was from Mesopotamia. Which is a real place. Mesopotamia is in Aisa. Mesopotamia occupies most of present-day Iraq and Kuwait. The historical region includes the head of the Persian Gulf and parts of present-day Iran, Syria, and Turkey?

yes it does.

What oceans are border mesopotamia?

Only the Persian Gulf, which is not an ocean. Only if you sail out thousands of miles, the Gulf will first change into the Persian Sea and much further out, into the Indian Ocean. But the Indian Ocean does not 'border' Mesopotamia.

What is the shape of the mesopotamia?

The fertile Euphrates and Tigris River valleys surrounded by desert, mountains and the Persian Gulf.