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Q: Species of animals that are dwindling in numbers are said to be?
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What animal that is disappearing is said to be?

Animals that are slowly going away are considered to be Endangered Species.

What is a living organism known as?

If a species of animal or plant is alive today, it is said to be extant. Extant is the opposite of the word extinct, which means there are no live animals in a species.

When plants and animals cease to exist they are said to be?

When a species dies out completely, it becomes extinct.

Is it wrong for the human species to eat other animals?

No it's not. In Genesis of the Christian Holy Bible, God then said it is OK to eat animals but to drink their blood is a sin.

How does one know when a particular species adapted to their environment?

Because said species will survive and reproduce at a rate that keeps the population numbers sufficiently high for good genetic variability.

When a species permanently disappears the species is said to be?

When a species permanently disappears the species is said to be extinct.

Where do all members of a species live?

Members of a species are said to live in the habitat of that species.

What If all members of a species disappear from Earth the species is said to be?

The species is said to be extinct.

Why do dozens of animals become extinct daily?

Primarily most species become extinct because they are unable to adapt....that being said dozens of identified species do not become extinct every day.

How many of the plants and animals on earth live in the rainforests?

Well there are uncountable species in the rainforest because scientist haven't discovered and/or identified all the species in the rainforest although there are new species discovered everyday!

Why are animals called extinct?

Any species of animal that no longer has a living animal in the world is said to have become extinct.The Dinosaurs, Dodo and the Passenger Pigeon are three animal species that are classed as being extinct.

Why are plants and animals classified into separate groups?

Plants have the ability of making they're own food, but animals have to eat other animals to obtain energy.