

Sphinx absolute location

Updated: 4/28/2022
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Q: Sphinx absolute location
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Where is the sphinx absolute location?

The relative location in the Sphinx in Giza, Egypt is it is north of Africa

What is the exact location of the Sphinx?


What is the location of the Sphinx?

It is told to be located in Egypt

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the Great Pyramid of the sphinx is located at Giza

Were is the Great Sphinx location?

It is in the Necropolis, near Cairo, Egypt.

Was the Nile River used to build The Sphinx?

Yes, the type of stone that was used to build the Sphinx was from a lower part of the ninle river almost into Nubia near the 2nd cataract. The stone was quarried and loaded onto ships to sail up the nile to the sphinx location.

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The Great Sphinx of Giza and the Great Pyramid stand on the Giza Plateau on the west bank of the Nile near Cairo, in Egypt.

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It was under the sand and its location is on the Giza Plateau on the west bank of the Nile near Cairo, in Egypt.

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the answer is Sphinx

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Andro Sphinx and Sphinx Teleia can be destroyed with Pyramid of Light and used to summon Theinen the Great Sphinx.

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What is under the sphinx?

The Sphinx is located in Giza, Egypt. This is the same location as the Great Pyramids and stands close-by. Giza itself stands just outside Cairo. As to why it is there, then for similar reasons as the Great Pyramids. The Sphinx is a very common zoomorphic depiction within the Old Kingdom. The Sphinx is generally a guardian of a temples and royal tombs this explains why the Sphinx is where it is.