

Spindle fibres are composed of

Updated: 8/10/2023
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9y ago

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They are made up of clusters of microtubules. Microtubules are made of the protein tubuliln and are responsible for cell movement and shape. The microtubules are like "conveyor belts" inside the cell.

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Q: Spindle fibres are composed of
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What is spindle fibers begin to form?

Spindle fibers are composed of a protein called myosin and originate from a cell organelle called the centriole

Cell structures made of individual microtube fibers that are involved in moving chromosomes during cell division are called?

Spindle fibers. These structures form the mitotic spindle and play a crucial role in separating chromosomes during cell division.

What are spindle fibers composed of?

Spindle fibers are composed of microtubules, which are polymers of the protein tubulin. These microtubules play a crucial role in cell division by helping to separate the chromosomes during mitosis and meiosis.

Differentiate between aster and spindle fiber?

Asters are star-shaped structures found at opposite ends of the cell during cell division, helping to position the spindle fibers. Spindle fibers, on the other hand, are microtubule structures that help separate chromosomes during cell division by attaching to and pulling them apart. Both play essential roles in mitosis and meiosis.

What is a cytoskeletal that pulls chromosomes apart?

CentriolesCentrioles are log-like structures that appear during cell division in animal cells and pull the chromosomes apart.

Why is the structure responsible for the movement of chromosome during anophase?

The Centrosome. It forms Centrioles which form spindle fibers. Some of the spindle fibers attach to the Kinetochore located on the Centromere of chromosomes. The spindle fibers work in conjunction with motor proteins to facilitate disjunction.

What are the short stringy structure that appears just before cell division?

Spindle Fibres.

What are the spindle fibers eventually used for?

Spindle fibers are used to attach to and align chromosomes during cell division. They help to separate the chromosomes into two separate sets, which ensures each new cell receives the correct number of chromosomes.

What structure holds the sister chromatids to the spindle fibers?

Sister chromatids are held together by centromere and are attached to the spindle fibres by kinetochores during cell division.

Which structure organizes the mitotic spindle during cell division?

the ikterpuschles the microtubules organize spindle fibres during mitosis and meiosis

What is the spindle?

The spindle is a structure found in eukaryotic cells that helps to organize and separate chromosomes during cell division. It is made up of microtubules and associated proteins that work together to ensure that each daughter cell receives the correct number of chromosomes.

What form a spindle shape structure of protein fibres on which the chromosomes move durung nuclear division?

The spindle shape structure of protein fibers that chromosomes move on during nuclear division is called the mitotic spindle. This structure is made up of microtubules that are responsible for segregating the chromosomes into the daughter cells during cell division.