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Sister chromatids are held together by centromere and are attached to the spindle fibres by kinetochores during cell division.

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Q: What structure holds the sister chromatids to the spindle fibers?
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What is the role of the spindle fibers during mitosis?

They pull the sister chromatids apart.

In mitosis what pulls the sister chromatids apart?

The spindle fibers. The spindle fibers that attach to the sister chromatids are called called chromosomal microtubles.

What is the role of spindle fibers in mitosis?

They pull the sister chromatids apart.

What structure are spindles attached to that help pull the paired chromosomes apart?

Spindle fibers attach to the centromeres on the sister chromatids.

Chromosomes attached to the spindle fibers by undivided structures is called what?

Name of the Undivided Structures"The centromeres enable chromosomes to attach to spindle fibers." Not exactly. The centromeres are areas of DNA where the two sister chromatids touch. The spindle fibers actually bind to the kinetochore, a structure found on the chromosomes.

What is role of spindle fibers in mitosis?

They pull the sister chromatids apart.

Describe the structure and function of the spindle during mitosis?

Spindle fibers are necessary in mitosis as they help in bringing half the number of chromosomes on each side of the cell, so that when the cell divides, the chromosomes are distributed equally in both the daughter nuclei.

Are spindle fibers used in mitosis?

Yes. They are used to separate the sister chromatids apart.

What phase of meiosis do spindle fibers move the sister chromatids to the center of the cells?

prophase 1

What chromatids are attached at the centromere?

Strictly speaking, chromatids aren't attached; they grow that way. They are, however, formed during Prophase of mitosis and Prophase I of meiosis. A: CENTROMERES

What joins arms together and is the place where spindle fibers attach to each chromosome?

The sister chromatids (arms) are held together by centromeres. Centromeres are the site of attachment for the spindle fibers.

Which phase of meiosis to spindle fibers move the sister chromatids To the center of the cells?

metaphase II nova net