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Kwame Annor

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Parker Braun

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Asare Adjei Lucas

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Q: Spots of dead tissue scattered over the leaf with smallest veins remaining green is the deficiency of what?
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What is the tissue group with widely scattered cells?

Connective tissue is the tissue group with widely scattered cells. In connective tissue, cells are separated by an extracellular matrix composed of fibers and ground substance. Examples of connective tissue include loose connective tissue, dense connective tissue, and adipose tissue.

Which type of root has a scattered vascular tissue?


What type of tissue has widely scattered cells in some kind of non-cellular matrix?

Connective Tissue

What is the process of debridement?

In debridement, dead tissue is removed so that the remaining living tissue can adequately heal.

What is the deficiency of oxygen or the inability to utilize oxygen in a tissue?

Hypoxia is a condition where there is a deficiency of oxygen in tissues. Inability to utilize oxygen effectively can be due to conditions like mitochondrial dysfunction or respiratory chain disorders, leading to cellular oxygen deprivation even when it's available in sufficient amounts.

What is tissue hypoxia?

Tissue hypoxia (oxygen deficiency) occurs when the blood vessels in the hands, feet, and other extremities narrow in response to cold

What is the smallest individual unit of a contractile tissue called?

a cell

Smallest membrane bound unit of life forms tissue in plants and animals is called what?

The smallest membrane bound unit of life forms tissue in plants and animals is called is the cell.

What is the name of the method that leaves no tissue remaining for pathological examination?


What size is the smallest rabbit?

Dwarf. They are about the size of a tissue box as adults.

The lining of the smallest tubules in the kidneys is composed of?

The lining of the smallest tubules in the kidneys is composed of a single layer of specialized cells called renal tubular epithelial cells. These cells play a crucial role in reabsorbing essential substances from the filtrate and secreting waste products into the urine.

What is the highest level of organization from tissue cell organ organelle organ system?

The highest level of organization is the organ system. Organ systems are groups of organs working together to perform specific functions in the body.