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Q: Spotting a few days after intercourse?
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Should you be worried if you had a normal period then you had light spotting afterwards but a few days later you and your boyfriend had sex and the spotting got heavier then settled after a few days?

You should take a pregnancy test to be safe.

Intercourse 10 days ago Period started next day lasted 3 days Light pink spotting and breast tenderness 9 days after intercourse Are you pregnant?

There is a possibility that you may be pregnant. The spotting that you are experiencing is what they call implantation bleeding, which is when the egg attaches itself to the walls of the uterus. If you have a missed period I would definite advise you to take a pregnancy test. Good luck!!

How long is the process?

Anywhere from a few hours to five days after intercourse.

How many days conception takes place?

Anywhere from a few hours to five days after intercourse.

Coming off the pill cause spotting?

Coming off birth control can and does cause spotting for a few days. This is the medication withdrawing from your system.

Can a pregnancy test be accurate only one week after intercourse and a few days before your next period?

No, it wont be accurate until 14 days after intercourse.

How do you know if your spotting?

there is a small amount of blood in your knickers/when you wipe for a day or a few days

How do you know the difference between early pregnancy spotting and a light period?

There may not be much difference although implantation spotting (if you have it) is usually just that, a few spots only, whereas a light period is steady over a few days. answer There is 2 bleedings you can have in pregnancy one called spotting and one called Implantation bleeding. Implantation blood can last from 1-2 days its just a spot of blood. Spotting can last a few days up to 6 days and it just a light period I got told but proper light.

Is it normal to begin spotting a few days after a period appears to be completely over?

If the spotting is brown blood then this is simply left over blood from your period.

What does light pink discharge right after intercourse mean?

This can indicate pregnancy, it did for me. Take an early test a few days before your period is due to check.

Is red spotting a sign of pregnancy if it occurs 6 days after intercourse for only 2 and a half days and could it be implantation bleeding?

It's possible. I experienced it 4 days after conception, and lasted 5 days very light.

Could you be pregnant if you spot on your ovulation days?

It is possible to become pregnant if you spot on your ovulation days although it is not likely. Ovulation spotting is a sign that you have recently released an egg and it is possible to conceive if an egg is fertilized. There are a few steps you can take to increase your chances of becoming pregnant if you are spotting on your ovulation days: Track your cycle and ovulation carefully to determine the exact day of ovulation. Have intercourse on the day of ovulation or even a few days before as sperm can survive in the body for several days. Be sure to have intercourse frequently during your most fertile days. Eat a balanced diet and take a multivitamin to ensure you are getting all the necessary nutrients for conception.It is important to remember that spotting on your ovulation days may not be an accurate indicator of fertility and that other factors such as lifestyle and health may affect your chances of getting pregnant. If you are trying to conceive it is important to speak to your doctor to discuss your options.