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Anaphase is the stage of mitosis when chromosomes split apart.

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14y ago

Anaphase is the part of mitosis when chromosomes are pulled apart by spindle fibers, separating the sister chromatids to opposite sides of the cell.

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7y ago

The answer is prophase.

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14y ago

Anaphase, I think

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Q: Stage of mitosis where chromosomes split apart?
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What happens to chromosomes in each mitosis?

I belive that they split apart!

When do chromosome duplicate themselves during mitosis?

In Mitosis, the chromosomes duplicate themselves. In Meiosis 1, they duplicate, however they do not duplicate in meiosis 2.

In what stage of mitosis are replicated chromosomes split?

The process of mitosis is divided into 6 stages. The Interphase, Prophase, Metaphase, Anaphase, Telophase, and cytokinasis. At Interphase, there is only one cell, but after cytokinasis there are two identical cells.Cytokinasisis the last stage of mitosis. It is the process of splitting the daughter cells apart. A furrow forms and the cell is pinched in two. Each daughter cell contains the same number and same quality of chromosomes.

What is the third phase of mitosis in which the centromeres split?

During early anaphase of mitosis the centromeres of chromosomes split to allow the sister chromosomes to move to the opposite side of the spindle.

What does a nucleus do in a mitosis of a single cell?

During the first stage of mitosis, prophase, the nucleus and nucleolus disappear. Mitosis then proceeds into metaphase and anaphase. Then during telophase, the nuclei reappear in the two cells and finally the cells split apart from each other by a process known as cytokinesis.

What is the extra step in meiosis than mitosis?

In mitosis the chromosomes duplicate and the cell splits apart. But in meiosis, the cell does the same thing but this time, the daughter cells split again without duplicating the chromosomes. This causes those cells to have only half the amount of chromosomes. Hope i helped!

What is an fact about centriole?

The split chromosomes during mitosis WOW!

What happens during the four phases of mitosis?

During prophase, the chromosomes condense and become visible, the nuclear envelope breaks down. During metaphase, the chromosomes line up along the center of the cell. During anaphase, the sister chromatids separate and move towards opposite poles. Finally, during telophase, the chromosomes decondense, the nuclear envelope reforms, and the cell divides into two daughter cells during cytokinesis.

In which stage of mitosis do the paired chromatids break part?

During anaphase in mitosis, the paired chromatids break apart and move to opposite ends of the cell.

When is the chromosomes number reduced from 46 to 23?

During the Prophase stage of Meiosis, rather than Mitosis, chromosomes are split from 46 to 23. Meiosis is the same basic process as Mitosis, yet is what occurs in gametes rather than other non-gamete cells.

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When chromosomes divides by mitosis does it stay the same or spilt in half?

split in half