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Helium atoms

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Q: Stars produce energy by fusing hydrogen into?
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Stars produce energy by fusing hydrogen into what?

The products of hydrogen fusion are helium and energy.

What energy has sun fusing hydrogen atoms in helium and release energy?

The sun's energy (and that of all other stars) comes from nuclear fusion. The nuclei of hydrogen atoms (ie protons) fuse together to produce helium and release energy.

What is a hydrogen cloud?

A cloud of hydrogen gas which has the potential of fusing and creating energy in the form of heat or light - or stars.

What is the main energy source of stars?

Nuclear fusion, usually by fusing hydrogen-1 to helium-4.

What is the main source of energy for stars?

Nuclear fusion, usually by fusing hydrogen-1 to helium-4.

How do hydrogen bombs and stars both produce nuclear energy?

Stars like our sun and hydrogen bombs produce energy through nuclear fusion.

What is the source of stars energy?

Nuclear fusion, usually by fusing hydrogen-1 to helium-4.

Explain the role of helium in stars?

The nuclear fusion of hydrogen produces helium and energy at the cost of some mass following the conversion rate e=mc^2

Are stars made of cells?

No. Standard sized young Stars are made up of hydrogen atoms fusing themselves into helium atoms and giving off lots of Energy.

Is hydrogen found in the universe formed by stars?

No. The hydrogen in the universe was formed during the Big Bang. Stars consume hydrogen, fusing it into helium.

Do all stars turn hydrogen in to helium?

No. Stars that have depleted the hydrogen in their cores may start fusing heavier elements.

What stars have left the main sequence?

The main sequence stars are stars that fuse hydrogen, so the stars that have left the main sequence are the ones that have basically run out of hydrogen. They are the Red Giant stars, Supergiant stars and White Dwarf stars.