

Starving myself lose body fat

Updated: 8/16/2019
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16y ago

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studies show starving yourself does not help one lose body fat. some experiments concluded an increase of body fat after self starvation. a more effective and healthy way is through excercise and dieting

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Q: Starving myself lose body fat
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Any time you starve your body, your metabolism will start to shut down. Your body doesn't know why you are starving yourself, it simply knows that it is starving. It will protect itself by shutting down the metabolism and store fat. The body actually prefers muscle as a fuel source to fats, so you may actually increase your BMI but lose weight. Your muscle mass will decrease, your metabolism will slow down and your fat stores will increase.

How do you get rid of body fat in 3 days?

Depends how much body fat you get rid of.Simple answer, you can't.Remember, to lose weight you need to eat regularly and exercise well. Starving yourself will only make you pig out when you finally get the chance to eat.

Can starving yourself cause you to gain weight after you stop starving yourself?

Chances are you will not lose weight because your body will try to preserve the body fat that you already have. weight loss in the begining, but when you start eating again your body tells it self to hold on to it more.

Is starving yourself good or bad and in what why are they good or bad?

Bad. By eating, yes, your body does indeed store fat, but when you don't eat, your body thinks it is in danger of starvation and when you do eat, your body holds dear to every single little piece of energy it can get a hold of. This will make you grow "larger." It will store the fat. Really, if you want to lose weight, eat and exercise. Starving yourself will make your body dysfunctional. Eat up!

How much weight will you lose off fastin if you weigh 162?

This depends on you height, sex, and body type. Fasting will likely cause you to lose only muscle mass and water weight, which will be gained again very quickly. If you want to lose fat, fasting will not be effective. As soon as you stop consuming calories, your body thinks you are starving, and it will hold onto your current fat stores.

A person who is starving is losing what?

When you starve yourself, your body does not have much to run on (food and drinks provide energy for the body). To get energy, it uses stored energy in fat cells. The body begins to metabolize these cells, and you lose fat.

Do you lose weight if you only eat dinner each day?

No your body goes into a starvation mode if you don't eat often enough. So what happens is your body will store fat to survive on through out the day and not actually burn fat. If you eat that same amount of food spread through out the day your metabolism will kick in and you will actually lose more weight then starving yourself.

Im 15 and i think im fat. my friends say they love my figure but i dont like it and want to lose weight. but how can i do this without starving myself or buying expensive weight loss foods or drinks?

Eat healthy and exercise. That's all there is to it.

If you only eat oatmeal with equal in the mornings and nothing for the rest of the day will you lose weight?

yea but its unhealthy its not losing weight in a healthy way its starving ur body so its forced to use fat for energy

Can you lose weight by starving?

>> truthfully not eating will only slow down you metabolism, making it much harder and the time period much longer for you to lose the weight.. your body will start to store all the fat because it sends signals to the brain that its starving. reserving all of that fat you want to get rid of. simply starving will make you lose weight but you'll pack on all you got for a good amount of time before you lose it. if you choose to work out however while not eating increasing activity over intake your more guaranteed to make that work. i do not recommend you do this because your body will be highly ran down and week because of the lack of nutrients. there are so many short cuts and ways around it, its all about how your body reacts to such drastic conditions. once again i do not recommend it.

How do people lose weight by starving?

People lose weight by starving as the body resorts to using energy stored in fat cells to keep active and moving. Calories provide a lot of the body's "fuel", per say, throughout the day as you consumer them. Excess that are not burned off are atored away in cells for your body to use when it needs to. Without any intake of calories through starvation, the body must begin to use the excess that was stored away. This however, is not healthy. Your body could go into a panic mode, and convert all food to fat for means of instintual survival. This is also not a healthy way to lose weight. You need food and water to survive and to be healthy. A better way to lose weight would be through diet and exercise.

If you eat just a clementine a day will you lose weight?

Only if you do it for a long time, and starving yourself isn't an effective way of dieting. I'll tell you why. Your body's fat reserves are there so that if there's no food available, it can still feed itself. Now, after you've dipped into those reserves by starving yourself and you eat again, your body will hoard all the fat in the food. It does this because it doesn't know if it might eat again, so it's stocking up. So, in theory, you'll actually gain weight, not lose it.