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Mendel law of independent assortment states that when two traits are together,followed in same cross ,the distribution of alleles for one trait in the gametes does not affect the distribution of allele for the other trait

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9y ago

The Law of Independent Assortment states that the factors for individual characteristics are distributed to gametes independently. Is observed only for genes that are located on separate chromosomes or are far apart on the same chromosome.

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13y ago

The Law of Independent Assortment states that the alleles (or separate members of a gene pair) separate independently to form the gamete. By doing so, the traits are transferred independent from one another. This allows for much more variation in the offspring since the alleles are randomly matched with the gamete from the other parent to form the zygote. According to how many traits are in question, the number of possible variations can become quite high.

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13y ago

it states that alleles pairs separate independently during the formation of gametes.

this means that traits are transmitted to offspring independently.

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14y ago

Genes sort independently into gametes and each gamete receives one allele of each gene.

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The Law of Independent Assortment. Which actually only applies if the examined traits are not linked to the same locus.

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Conditions for independent assortment:Only those contrasting pairs of traits can show independent assortment whose alleles are riding nonhomologous chromosomes.

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