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1.Protogynae or protendry (either female or male gamete maturing earlier)

2. Hetrostyle (Stigma & anthers of the same flower at different length)

3. Self- incompatibility

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Q: State three characteristics that ensure Cross- pollination takes place in flowering plant?
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What are the characteristics of flowering and non flowering plants?

it is about the plants that always flowers

The type of organism produced by cross pollination and has different characteristics as a result is?


What kind of pollination increases variation within a plant species?

The right answer is "cross" or "cross pollination" or "cross-pollination"

The type of organism produced by cross pollination and has different characteristics?

The type of organism produced by cross pollination is a hybrid. Hybrids often exhibit a combination of characteristics from the parent plants, resulting in a unique set of traits. This genetic variability is a key advantage of cross pollination in breeding programs.

The evolution of flowering plants and insects that transport their male gametes is an example of what?

This is an example of coevolution, where two or more species reciprocally affect each other's evolution. In this case, the flowering plants and insects have evolved traits that benefit each other, such as the plants producing nectar for the insects in exchange for pollination services.

The movement of pollen from the stamen to the carpel is called.?

It is known as pollination (sometimes as cross-pollination).

What is the purpose of cross-pollination and self-pollination?

The purpose of cross-pollination and self-pollination are to perform reproduction so off spring can be produced.

What is Different between self pollination and cross pollination?

In cross pollination there is wastage of pollen grains , but in self pollination there is no wastage of pollen grains.

Distinguish between self-pollination cross-pollination?

The process of pollination from same flower is called self-pollination. the process of pollination from another flower of same breed is called cross-pollination.

What are the types of pollination?

cross and self pollination

What are the 2 different methods of pollination?

The two main types of pollination are self (or autogamous) pollination and cross (or heterogamous) pollination. Self pollination - is when pollination is tansfer from the anther to the stigma of the same flower. Cross pollintion - is when pollination is transfer from the anther to the stigma of another flower

What is the process in which the pollen from on plant is used to fertilize another?

Cross pollination or cross fertilisation.