

Straighten hair lose hair

Updated: 9/16/2023
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11y ago

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Straightening hair won't necessarily cause you to lose hair, though it will damage it causing breakage. I recommend taking precautions. Go for a hot oil treatment(use coconut oil/extra virgin olive oil plus vitamin E) stay natural, avoid putting too many chemicals on your hair. If you want your hair strand to be thicker eat more protein foods. Your hair strand will be thicker plus your hair will be shinier. Use a delicate shampoo. Protect it with a hair repair with protection conditioner (eg.sunsilk) but you can buy other products as long as its safe and is a hair repair conditioner with protection. Then, you can start straightening your hair again.

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Will you lose more hair if you straighten your hair everyday?

Yes but if you condition or use spray everyday then no.

Do people who straighten their hair lose it faster?

Yes those who use the straigtner often will loose it.

Can you loose hair from a hair straightener?

I've been using a hair straightener for around 2 years now and I have very thick hair.No it's not usual to lose hair when you straighten it but it can happen because some of your hair gets caught in the straightener and you accidentally pull it out.But also straightening your hair is somewhat bad for your hair because it damages it, but it shouldn't damage it to the point of your hair falling out.

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The past tense of "you lose your hair" is "you lost your hair."

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How do you not lose hair while straightening it?

u cant lose hair when u r staightening ur hair

What can you put in your hair before you straighten it to prevent damage?

you could put a straightening protectoin spray or serum so your hair wont burn or dry out or lose its shine . if your hair is dyed , you should put a special dye protecting creme or serum on so your dye wont come off on your straightners as having dye on your straightners can break or ruin them

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you lose as hair as star shines and looks everyday

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