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Q: Stress at a convergent plate boundary is called what?
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What is stress at a convergent plate?

The type of stress developed at a convergent boundary is Compressional Stress.

Stress at a convergent plate boundary?


What Stress at a convergent plate boundary is?


What is it called when two plates collide?

Convergent boundary

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convergent plate boundary

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Convergent boundary Convergent boundary

What type of plate boundary occurs when two plates move towards each other?

This is called a convergent boundary, because the two plates are converging, or coming together.

What Type of plate boundary exists between Indian and Asia?

A Collision plate boundary, where two continental plates that are the same in density and thickness, push against each other forming fold mountains and crumble zones. This causes Earthquakes from the pressure and stress but not volcanoes.

What kind of boundary separates the South American Plate from the Nazca Plate?

It is called a convergent plate boundary.

What boundary can a trench be found?

The boundary where a trench can be found is called a convergent plate boundary. It can also be termed a destructive plate boundary in plate tectonics.

What are the 3 subtypes of convergent plate boundaries?

1. Oceanic-oceanic convergent plate boundary. 2. Continental-continental convergent plate boundary. and 3. Oceanic-continental convergent plate boundary.

What are the three sub types of convergent plate boundrys?

1. Oceanic-oceanic convergent plate boundary. 2. Continental-continental convergent plate boundary. and 3. Oceanic-continental convergent plate boundary.