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Q: Stress in Earth's crust leads to movement and changes in Earth's lithosphere that result in?
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What causes stress earths crust?

The movement in earths plates create powerful forces that pull or squeeze the rock in the crust.

What type of stresses broke Earth's lithosphere into plates?

The movement of convection currents in the mantle is believed to have caused the Earth's lithosphere to break into plates. These currents create stress within the lithosphere, leading to the formation of tectonic plates.

Why is the stress the earths crust?

The earth's crust is not stress

In the lithosphere earthquakes occur when stress?

in the lithosphere exceeds the strength of the rocks, causing them to break along a fault line. This sudden release of energy sends seismic waves through the Earth, causing the ground to shake.

Three types of stress that occer in earths crust?

Compression Stress Tension Stress Shearing Stress

What process causes stress in Earths crust?

Plate tectonics, the movement of the large pieces of the earth's crust, give rise to great stress along the boundaries of the plates. Wikipedia has a post on plate tectonics, and a link is provided.

What is the stress of uplifting earths crust?

It can be the cause of folding, faulting, mountains, volcanoes, earthquakes, and rifts.

How does stress changes Earth's Surface?

stress changes the earth's surface by the way it looks and the layers.

Why when and where do earthquakes strike?

It is when two plates in the earth because of the release of stress or tension in the earth's lithosphere.

Why when and where earthquake strike?

It is when two plates in the earth because of the release of stress or tension in the earth's lithosphere.

What is the relationship between faults and earthquakes?

Earthquakes are the result of the formation of new faults within the lithosphere or the movement of older pre-existing faults.More information:Faults are large fractures or cracks that form in the Earth's lithosphere. They can range in size from metres to 100's or 1000's of km.Faults form within the lithosphere due to stress. As stress increases the lithosphere initially begins to deform elastically (like a spring being squashed or an elastic band being stretched). When the stress exceeds the strength of the lithosphere, a brittle failure occurs. Brittle failures are those where cracks or fractures form through the material. This releases all the energy stored in the rocks in one go as seismic waves causing an earthquake.Now this has been going on for millions of years so that there are already a large number of fractures or faults in the lithosphere. These pre-existing points of weakness are now the first part of the lithosphere to fail when stress builds up.they move up against each other.. constantly moving and the pressure gets to be too much and boom an earthquake happens.. islands are made by being pushed upward. it is a fascinating topic to read up on more

What changes are necessary to reduce stress?

Reduction of stress may require changes in both activities and attitudes.