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shear stress

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Q: Stress on rock layers that involves forces pushing opposite direction is called?
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What type of stress that causes a rock or twist or tear apart by pushing on the rock in two opposite directions?


Coping with stress involves building .?

Coping with stress involves building tolerance. Coping with stress also involves building a great deal of endurance to the stress.

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How the direction of stress applied affects the arrangement of minerals in a metamorphic rock?

Shear stress causes objects to be smeared out in the direction of applied stress.

Is the opposite of stressful soothing?

Distress (bad stress) is the opposite of Eustress (good stress). Calm is between the two.

Why is plywood strong?

Its very strong, your mums bed is made out of it and it didnt break

What is the stress that pushes a mass of rock in two opposite directions called?

The stress force that causes a mass of rock to pull or twist in opposite directions is called tension. Shearing is the stress force that causes a mass of rock to pull or twist in opposite directions.

What is the opposite of cope?

breakdown, stress, unmanageable

Stress that pushes the mass of a rock in two opposite directions is called?

stress that pushes a mass of rock in two opposite directions is called shearing

Why is stress a tensor quantity?

stress is having magnitude, direction and point of application of force

Why stress a tensor quantity?

stress is having magnitude, direction and point of application of force

The stress force that causes a mass rock to pull of twist in opposite directions is called?

The stress force that causes a mass of rock to pull or twist in opposite directions is called tension. Shearing is the stress force that causes a mass of rock to pull or twist in opposite directions.