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The gallbladder.

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Q: Structure in which waste material is compressed into solid form?
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Structure in which waste material is compressed?

The structure in which waste material is compressed is called the rectum. This is short tube that is at the end of the large intestine.

What is eliminating waste?

Is when the materials move through the large intestine, water is absorbed into the bloodstream. The material is then moved from the large intestine into the rectum where waste materials are compressed into a solid and finally eliminated from the body through the anus.

The short tube at the end of the large intestine where waste material is compressed is called the?


What Solid waste material that remains after food is digested?


Holds solid waste from the body?

The large intestine holds solid waste from the body before it is eliminated as feces. The waste material is processed in the colon where water is absorbed, resulting in the formation of solid stool.

What is recycaling?

Recycling reduces the volume of solid waste by enabling people to use the material in waste again

What is the differences between refuse and sewage?

Sewage is a liquid waste while refuse is a solid waste.

Is the best solution to the solid waste problem to reduce the amount of material that enters the waste stream?

The best solution to the solid waste problem is to reduce the amount of material that enters the waste stream is a statement that frequently appears on true or false tests. The answer is true. Examples of solid waste include garbage, old tires, scrap metal, toys, and furniture.

Removal of waste material from the body-?

Waste removal is performed by several different systems. Respiratory waste, including carbon dioxide, is exhaled from the lungs. Urea and salts are extreted by the urinary system and through sweat. Solid waste is excreted through defecation.

What is unwanted material from any industrial operation may be liquid sludge solid or hazardous waste is called?

Industrial Waste.

What are the three components of human solid waste?

The three components of human solid waste are feces, urine, and toilet paper. Feces are the solid waste material that is expelled from the body through the rectum, while urine is the liquid waste excreted by the kidneys. Toilet paper is the material used for hygiene purposes after using the toilet.

What does resource recovery mean?

Extraction of useful material or energy from a waste stream such as heat from burning municipal solid waste is known as resource recovery.