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Spinal nerve.....

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Q: Structures form by the fusion on the anterior root and posterior nerve root?
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You had anterior and posterior cervical fusion and still in pain?

suspect fascet jointd for nerve restriction

What is the Nerve supply of the hard palate?

The six Anterior teeth and the the muco-periosteum covering the anterior third of the hard palate are supplied by the Nasopalatine nerve, while the posterior two thirds along with the remaining posterior teeth are supplied by the Greater palatine nerve,,

The anterior root and the posterior root fuse to form?

Each spinal nerve attaches to spinal cord by a ventral (anterior) root and a dorsal (posterior) root.All spinal nerves are mixed nerves (both motor and sensory).

What cranial nerve detects tastes?

Facial nerve Glossopharyngeal nerve Vagus nerve

What major nerve serve posterior leg and foot?

The Posterior Femoral Cutaneous Nerve serves the posterior aspect of the thigh.

What nerve serves posterior thigh?

The Posterior Femoral Cutaneous Nerve serves the posterior aspect of the thigh.

What major nerve serves the posterior leg and thigh?

the posterior femoral nerve.

What type of fibers make up the posterior and anterior roots of the spinal nerve?

Both Afferent and Efferentboth sensory and motorContains motor & sensory fibers!The spinal cord consists of nerve fibers that are afferent and efferent.

What is the contents of the intermuscular septum?

The intermuscular septum is a fibrous sheath ("cover" or "case") that separates the anterior and posterior compartments of the forearm/lower arm. It contains the: * deep brachial artery * radial nerve * basilic vein * ulnar nerve * median nerve

What is ectatic nerve root in th lumbar and sacral area?

I believe this hasn't been answered as it is a typo; they probably meant to write sciatic nerve, or ischiatic nerve is composed of L4-S3 spinal and anterior and posterior divisions of the lumbosacral plexus.

The four structures that can cause nerve compression or impingement for thoracic outlet syndrome are?

TVP of C7, Anterior Scalene, Costoclavicular, and Pectoralis Minor.

Nerve supply of the tibialis anterior muscle?

deep peroneal nerve supplies the tibialis anterior muscle