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This is clearly a bacterial infection of a short-term nature. The only way to confirm that it is viral is with a gram positive smear. If you smoke, then stop. If you use sinus spray too often, stop and see a doctor right away. A foreign invader has entered your body via the respiratory tract and your body has done all it knows how to do to fight it. Shallow breathing means that it may have entered your lungs and it is in the upper lobe(s) of the lung tissue, your body wants it to go no further down. Once the problem goes deeper, it dictates that more powerful (and expensive) drugs be used to treat this. Your doctor will at first try a Z-pack (Azithromycin administered over 5 days). After that, it depends on how well the doctor stayed awake through lectures on treating bacterial insults.

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Q: Stuffy nose shortness of breathe tight chest sore throat headache chills and earache what could this be?
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a stuffy nose causes a headache which can spread to your sinus' causing an ear infection. you need to go to your doctors and ask for freakint cream.

How is stuffy nose diagnosed?

When you can't breathe through your "nose-holes", I'd say you had a stuffy nose! Don't start using nose spray!!! You might end up getting addicted to it!!!

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Does a stuffy nose come with bronchitis?

A stuffy nose is not typically a symptom of bronchitis. Bronchitis is characterized by inflammation of the bronchial tubes in the lungs, leading to coughing, chest discomfort, and sometimes shortness of breath. However, it is possible to have both bronchitis and a stuffy nose if there is a coexisting upper respiratory infection.

Can a stuffy nose cause a headache?

well, i am not a doctor, but i can say that from personal experience, yes it does. when you have a stuffy nose and are sniffing it up a lot it can give you a headache. Generally i get a eye ache and a head ache but i guess that it differs with every person! Hope this helps and that you feel better soon :)

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It could, of course, be several things, but it sure sounds like plain old "flu".