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I believe the quotation to be somehow inaccurate, in my opinion, and unless textual reference provided, the sentence in Latin shoul read: Sub sole nihil novi este. That is translated literally as: there is nothing of new under the sun, rephraseable as There is nothing new under the sun. Sola, as quoted, comes from Latin solus-a-um, which is an adjective lacking a head or noun, therefore the substantial reference being absent or omitted makes the translation implausible. I tend to think the word is, or rather should be, sole; from sol-solis=sun.

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How old is So Ji-sub?

So Ji-sub is 40 years old (birthdate: November 4, 1977).

How do you enter the sub that team aqua stole in Pokemon sapphire?

you cant, you use dive next to the sub and you will find them inside the cave

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The cast of Sub Ka Saathi - 1972 includes: Vinod Khanna

What actors and actresses appeared in Sub Rosa - 2009?

The cast of Sub Rosa - 2009 includes: Tommy Heleringer as Kurt Adepero Oduye as Ayesha

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The cast of Sub khu ku lok - 2012 includes: Arpa Pawilai Nakhorn Silachai Petchtai Wongkamlao

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