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Nonpolar. Molecules that dissolve in nonpolar solvents like gasoline tend to be nonpolar themselves, as nonpolar substances are attracted to each other through London dispersion forces. Water, being a polar solvent, is not able to dissolve nonpolar molecules as effectively.

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Q: Substance A is a Molecular compound that dissolves in gasoline but not water. The molecules of A are very likely....what?
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What happens to particle of sugar when they melt and dissolve?

When a substance dissolves in water, water molecules get between the particles of the dissolved substance, separating them.

Are covalent molecular compounds soluble?

Some covalent molecular compounds are soluble, while others are insoluble in water. The solubility of a covalent molecular compound depends on factors such as the polarity of the compound and its interactions with water molecules. Substances like sugar (sucrose) are covalent molecular compounds that are highly soluble in water, while substances like oil are covalent molecular compounds that are not soluble in water.

Which type of mixture is formed when one substance dissolves into another and fills the spaces between other kinds of molecules?

A homogeneous mixture is formed when one substance dissolves into another and fills the spaces between other kinds of molecules. This type of mixture has a uniform composition throughout, with the dissolved particles evenly distributed in the solvent.

Is sugar insoulble?

Yes, sugar is soluble in water. It dissolves easily due to its molecular structure, which allows it to interact with the water molecules and form a homogeneous solution.

What happens at the molecular level when NaOH dissolves in HCl?

When NaOH dissolves in HCl, the NaOH molecules dissociate into Na+ and OH- ions, while the HCl molecules dissociate into H+ and Cl- ions. In the solution, the OH- ions from NaOH and the H+ ions from HCl combine to form water molecules. The Na+ and Cl- ions remain in the solution.

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What substance dissolves best in water?

ionic compounds and polar molecules

If slat dissolves in water then what type of substance is saltwater?

Saltwater is a mixture of solid and liquid molecules. Once the salt dissolves, the substance becomes a solution.

What formula shows a substance that is not molecular?

The chemical symbol is only for atoms, not for molecules.

Which type of mixture is formed when one substance dissolves into another and fills the spaces between the other kinds of molecules?

A type of mixture that is formed when one substance dissolves into another and fills the spaces between other kinds of molecules is called colloidal solution.

Which type of mixture is formed when one substance dissolves into another and fills the spaces between other kinds of molecules?

A homogeneous mixture is formed when one substance dissolves into another and fills the spaces between other kinds of molecules. This type of mixture has a uniform composition throughout, with the dissolved particles evenly distributed in the solvent.

What happens to particle of sugar when they melt and dissolve?

When a substance dissolves in water, water molecules get between the particles of the dissolved substance, separating them.

Would a substance of high molecular weight diffuse faster than a substance of lower molecular weight?

yes, a substance of high molecular weight will diffuse faster than a substance of lower molecular weight since the molecules will absorb the liquid and easily soak the other molecules,all round,hence diffuse faster

What is the random molecular of a substance is greatest when the substance is?

It is greater when the substance is at a higher temperature. This is because the mean square speed of the molecules of a system is proportional to thermodynamic temperature.

Which type of mixture is formed when one substance dissolves into another fills the space between other kinds of molecules?

Homogeneous solution

When a substance is raised to its melting teperature what happens to the atom or molecules?

The inter-molecular bonds between the atoms/molecules are broken, releasing the atoms/molecules from a ridged structure to a freely moving mass.

What is a avogabros number?

Avogadro's number is the number of molecules in a gram molecular weight of any substance. It is ~ 6.02 x 1023.

Why does reducing solute particle size increase the speed at which a solute dissolves in water?

Reducing particle size results in an increase in surface area. The increase in surface area allows more solvent (water) molecules to interact with the substance, and this increases the rate at which that substance dissolves.