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When a substance dissolves in water, water molecules get between the particles of the dissolved substance, separating them.

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1mo ago

When sugar particles melt, they break apart from their solid crystal lattice and become a liquid. When they dissolve in water, the individual sugar molecules become surrounded by water molecules, forming a sugar-water solution.

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If you put sugar cubes on ice tea does it melt or dessolve?

The sugar cubes dissolve in the iced tea as the hot liquid melts them, breaking down the sugar crystals into the tea.

How can you translate does it dissolve or does it melt into French when the dictionary gives the same words for both dissolve and melt?

faire fondre= to melt dissoudre= to dissolve However because in French "faire fondre" can mean dissolve (although it is much more commonly used to mean melt), one can talk about melting as 'faire fondre (quand on chauffe)' = to melt (when one heats). Very few French will use 'le sucre s'est dissous dans l'eau' (the sugar dissolved, which is exact), they will say 'le sucre a fondu dans l'eau (the sugar melt in the the water).

Does white sugar melt faster in hot water than brown sugar?

Sugar of either color does not "melt" in hot water but rather dissolves; brown sugar has some impurities which are not so soluble in water, so that white sugar will seem to dissolve faster.

Does brown sugar melt faster than white sugar in hot water?

Sugar of either color does not "melt" in hot water but rather dissolves; brown sugar has some impurities which are not so soluble in water, so that white sugar will seem to dissolve faster.

Particle behavior of sugar in tea?

When sugar is added to tea, it dissolves in the liquid due to its small particle size and interactions with the solvent. The sugar molecules spread evenly throughout the tea, giving it a sweet taste. The dissolved sugar particles are too small to be seen individually, creating a homogeneous mixture.

How do you differentiate salt and sugar?

Yes. You could try melting it over a Bunsen burner - the sugar will melt readily whereas the salt will not. You could also try dissolving the substance in alcohol. The salt will dissolve only very slightly, but the sugar will dissolve readily.

How fast does an ice cube melt when sugar or salt is added?

Well it really depends on the quantity But i know for a fact that salt will dissolve it quicker than sugar

Does sugar melt or dissolve in tea?

Sugar dissolves in tea through a process called dissolution, where the sugar molecules break apart and spread evenly throughout the tea. It does not physically melt like ice cream, which changes from solid to liquid form.

Do sugar cubes melt over time?

Sugar cubes do not actually melt over time. They may absorb moisture from the air and become sticky, but they will not dissolve like sugar in liquid. The cube shape helps maintain their structure.

Does a sugar cube melt faster in hot water?

Yes. Most soluble things dissolve faster in hot water.

When you mix water ice sugar lemon juice and lemon slices in a pitcher what are two ingredients that do not dissolve?

Lemon slices will remain solid. Ice doesn't dissolve, but it will melt.

Why does sugar dissolve in cold water?

hot water because sugar has the abilty to melt due to higher temperatures it will dissovle in cold water it just take longer