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Subsyndromal depression is a condition in which an individuals shows signs of depression but not severe enough to require a diagnosis and treatment.

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Q: Subsyndromal depression is a condition in which an individuals symptoms?
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Is depression a sickness?

Depression is a mental illness that can happen to really anyone and can cause both mental and physical symptoms.

What are some positive symptoms of depression?

Depression has very few, if any positive symptoms. Check out the related link for a list of the symptoms of depression.

How many different depression symptoms are there?

There are several different depression symptoms that can be caught early and some symptoms of depression that cannot be caught until much later on when the depression has reached a deeper level.

What are long term symptoms of stress reaction?

Long term symptoms of stress reaction can be varied. They can include depression, sleep disorder, weight loss or gain, irritability and substance abuse. Symptoms are as varied as the individuals involved in the stressors.

Easily Ignored Symptoms of Depression?

When many people think about depression, they imagine someone who is unable to carry on daily functions, debilitated by sadness, and even suicidal. However, most people who have depression work or go to school, have friends, and socialize. Except in the most serious cases of major depression, many of depression's most common symptoms are ones that may easily be ignored, explained away, or attributed to another condition. Many people equate depression with feelings of sadness, and a sense of sadness or worry that does not go away is one of the first signs of depression. Everyone experiences rough days or sad times periodically, and certain life events can cause a depressed mood. However, depression differs from a situation or temporary depressed mood. A person with clinical depression may experience a feeling of hopelessness about the future or helplessness about the present. Negative thoughts are moods are persistent and seem to be uncontrollable for someone with depression. Insomnia and even stress may mask some symptoms of depression. Someone with depression may not get enough sleep or sleep too much. In addition, some symptoms of depression can be blamed on a stressful job or family situation: lack of focus, drinking more than usual, or irritability. Unusual patterns of eating are also symptoms of depression that can be ignored. Like with sleep, depression can cause either an increase or a decrease in eating. In addition, loss of interest in sex is a condition that can easily be blamed on life, kids, or work, but it is also a symptom of depression. If these symptoms persist or are combined with other symptoms of depression, an individual may actually have clinical depression. Someone experiencing some of the symptoms mentioned above should monitor symptoms to assess whether depression could be the real cause. For most people with clinical depression, multiple symptoms are present, and the symptoms persist for more than two weeks. Even if a life event or situation seems to be the cause of the symptoms, depression may still develop. A number of people who are diagnosed with depression develop the condition after a major life event, such as a move, wedding, divorce, childbirth, or loss.

What are symptoms or postnatal depression and what are ways to reduce them?

Symptoms of postnatal depression is depression after the baby is born. Talking to a counselor is a good way to help reduce the depression.

What are some symptoms of Hyperthyroidism?

Fatigue, weight gain, depression, sensitivity to cold, constipation and dry skin are all symptoms of hyperthyroidism. Hyperthyroidism is a serious medical condition, and should be treated as such.

How does one overcome depression?

Depression is a medical condition that is found in many people throughout the world. Treatment methods can range from self-reflection, to various psychotherapies, to the use of medications to address the symptoms.

What symptoms should appear when someone has teen depression?

Symptoms for teen depression are very similar to the symptoms for adult depression. Withdral from people and things that they usually associate with is one symptom.

What is the definition and symptoms of anxiety depression?

Anxiety depression, also known as mixed anxiety-depressive disorder, is a combination of symptoms of anxiety and depression. Symptoms may include persistent feelings of sadness, worry, restlessness, irritability, fatigue, trouble concentrating, and changes in sleep or appetite. It is important to seek professional help for proper diagnosis and treatment.

What's the definition of Depression?

Depression is a mental condition where the patient feels hopeless and extreme sadness. There could also be physical symptoms like fatigue and a lack of focus. It often can be treated with a variety of medications.

What are some symptoms of Mental health?

There are many symptoms of mental health. Some are intense mood swings, panic, hallucination or depression. However, assessing her mental condition is best done by a medical profession.