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Q: Subtypes are connected to the supertype by a relationship known as?
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What is Taxonomy in planing?

Taxonomy is the practice and science of classification. The word comes from the Greek τάξις, taxis (meaning 'order') and νόμος, nomos ('law' or 'science'). Taxonomies, or taxonomic schemes, are composed of taxonomic units known as taxa (singular taxon), or kinds of things that are arranged frequently in a hierarchical structure. Typically they are related by subtype-supertype relationships, also called parent-child relationships. In such a subtype-supertype relationship the subtype kind of thing has by definition the same constraints as the supertype kind of thing plus one or more additional constraints. For example, car is a subtype of vehicle. So any car is also a vehicle, but not every vehicle is a car. Therefore, a thing needs to satisfy more constraints to be a car than to be a vehicle.

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The colon also known as the large intestine is connected to the small intestine. It is also connected to the rectum.

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Lines are two connected points with length but no width. When the end points of lines are all shared by other lines a shape is formed. This shape is known as a polygon.

What bones are connected the the jowl?

The jowl is another name for the jaw or the cheek bone. The jaw bone is known as the mandible and is connected to the cranium. Together they are known as the skull.

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A relationship between a man and a women is known as heterosexual relationship

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the best known mechanism of population control is the predator-prey relationship

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Glucose molecules are connected by an oxygen bridge generally known as Glycosidic linkage.

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A circuit in which loads are connected side by side is known as a parallel circuit.

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A guess about a pattern or a relationship from an observation is known as a hypothesis.