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Q: Sum of n numbers in shell programming?
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To get a list of the squares of the first 1000 numbers we can do:> [n^2 | n sum [n^2 | n

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The sum of the first n cubed numbers is: [n*(n+1)/2]2 which is the same as the square of the sum of the first n numbers.

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The average of n numbers = (sum of n numbers) / (count of n numbers).

What is the c plus plus program for printing sum to n natural numbers?

main() { int i, n, sum=0; cout<<"Enter the limit"; cin>>n; for(i=0;i<=n;i++) sum=sum+i; cout<<"sum of "<<n<<" natural numbers ="<<sum; getch(); }

In Shell script. How do I ask for and accept two numbers and then calculate the sum of the supplied numbers and display the sum.?

It depends on the script language you are using. In the Korn shell, you can say: echo -n "Enter the first number: " read first echo -n "Enter the second number: " read second let third=$first+$second echo The answer is $third

How do you sum numbers in a Unix shell script?

try a for loop: for x in 1 2 3 4 n=0 do n=`echo $x+$n`|bc done Integer arithmetic can be done in the shell itself without requiring an external program, making the operation much faster: n1=123 n2=543 sum=$(( $n1 + $n2 )) echo "$sum"

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Mean = (sum of the n numbers)/n

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The sum of the first "n" numbers is equal to n(n+1)/2.

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There is no formula that will sum n even numbers without further qualifications: for example, n even numbers in a sequence.

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i need 2 numbers whose sum is 832AnswerThe numbers are n and (832 - n) where n is any number from 0 to 416.

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int sum = 0; int i; for(i = 0; i < n; ++i) { sum += i; }

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SUM = 0: FOR N = 1 to 100: SUM = SUM + N: Next N: PRINT CHR$(11); "Sum ="; SUM: END