


C Programming

Questions related to the C Computer Programming Language. This ranges all the way from K&R to the most recent ANSI incarnations. C has become one of the most popular languages today, and has been used to write all sorts of things for nearly all of the modern operating systems and applications. It it a good compromise between speed, power, and complexity.

9,391 Questions

What are the main features of a compiler in C programming language?

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A compiler is a comp. Program that transforms source code written in programming language into another comp. Language.the main reason to compile a program is to create an executable program...

What is thrashing in c?

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Thrashing in C refers to excessive swapping of data between RAM and virtual memory, significantly slowing down the system due to the high overhead involved in managing memory. It typically occurs when a program doesn't have enough physical memory and constantly swaps data in and out of virtual memory.

What is the prototype of printf function?

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The prototype of the printf function is: int printf(const char *format, ...);

Is the face recognition system an example of biometric device?

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Yes, face recognition system is an example of a biometric device because it uses unique physical characteristics of a person's face to verify their identity.

What function will read a specified number of elements from a file?

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The function fread() in C can be used to read a specified number of elements from a file. It takes as arguments the pointer to the buffer, size of each element, number of elements to read, and the file pointer.

What does the chemical formula C mean?

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The chemical formula C represents the element carbon. Carbon is a non-metallic element commonly found in organic compounds and plays a crucial role in the chemistry of life.

What is the function of chromatids?

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Chromatids are the two identical copies of DNA that make up a replicated chromosome. They are joined at the centromere and separate during cell division, ensuring each daughter cell receives an identical set of genetic information.

What is difference between Bac arrays and DNA arrays?

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BAC arrays use bacterial artificial chromosomes to clone DNA fragments for analysis, while DNA arrays use immobilized DNA sequences for high-throughput analysis of gene expression or genotyping. BAC arrays are useful for large DNA fragments, while DNA arrays are more suitable for analyzing gene expression profiles or detecting DNA variations.

What are the uses of the Inoculating Loop?

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The inoculating loop is used in microbiology for streaking bacteria on agar plates, transferring bacterial cultures, and performing biochemical tests. It helps to isolate pure colonies of microorganisms and prevent contamination between samples.

What does Tc 20 degrees celsius stand for?

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"TC" likely stands for "temperature in degrees Celsius." Therefore, "TC 20 degrees Celsius" means that the temperature is 20 degrees Celsius.

What are the functions of indicators?

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Indicator species are a useful management tool, and can help us delineate an ecoregion, indicate the status of an environmental condition, find a disease outbreak, or monitor pollution or climate change. In one sense, they can be used as an "early warning system" by biologists and conservation managers. Indicator species must also be accompanied by a thorough study of what is being indicated, what is really correlated, and how this one species fits into the rest of ecosystem.

What is the problem with floating inputs?

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Floating inputs can lead to undefined behavior in a system, where the output may vary based on factors like compiler optimizations or hardware architecture. This can introduce inconsistencies and errors in calculations, making the code less reliable and harder to debug. It's important to ensure proper initialization and handling of floating-point inputs to avoid such issues.

How do you adjust the air pressure of a c pap machine?

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To adjust the air pressure of a CPAP machine, you typically need to access the settings menu on the machine's display. From there, you can increase or decrease the pressure level according to your prescription or comfort level. It's recommended to consult with a healthcare provider or a CPAP specialist for guidance on adjusting the pressure settings correctly.

What type of barbell can be used for a tongue piercing Is the plastic nickel free ones okay?

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It is not recommended to use a barbell for a tongue piercing that is not made of surgical-grade steel or titanium. Plastic barbells can harbor bacteria and may not be as safe for healing. Nickel-free options are ideal for those with nickel allergies, but it is important to prioritize material safety and compatibility with the piercing during the healing process.

What is GPS DGPS and the frequently used algorithm used in programming DGPS?

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GPS (Global Positioning System) is a satellite-based navigation system that provides location and time information. DGPS (Differential GPS) is a technique to improve the accuracy of GPS by using reference stations to correct GPS signals. A commonly used algorithm in programming DGPS is the Least Squares algorithm, which calculates the corrections needed to improve the accuracy of GPS positioning.

Advantage of unity game engine?

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The Unity game engine is a powerful and versatile tool widely used in the game development industry. Here are the key advantages of using Unity, highlighting why it’s a preferred choice for developers worldwide.

1. Cross-Platform Development

Unity supports development for multiple platforms, including Windows, macOS, Linux, iOS, Android, PlayStation, Xbox, and more. This cross-platform capability allows developers to create a game once and deploy it across various platforms, saving time and resources.

2. User-Friendly Interface

Unity’s intuitive and user-friendly interface makes it accessible for both beginners and experienced developers. The engine provides a visual editor that simplifies the development process, allowing for quick prototyping and iterative design.

3. Rich Asset Store

The Unity Asset Store offers a vast library of assets, including 3D models, animations, sound effects, scripts, and more. These ready-made assets can significantly speed up the development process, enabling developers to focus on game mechanics and design.

4. Strong Community and Support

Unity has a large and active community of developers. This community provides extensive resources, tutorials, forums, and documentation, making it easier to find solutions to problems and share knowledge. Additionally, Unity offers professional support and learning resources through Unity Gaming Services.

5. Robust Performance and Optimization

Unity is designed to deliver high performance across various platforms. It includes tools for profiling and optimizing game performance, ensuring smooth gameplay and efficient resource management. This is crucial for creating high-quality, responsive games.

6. Flexible and Extensible

Unity supports C# scripting, allowing for robust and flexible game development. The engine’s extensibility means that developers can create custom tools and features tailored to their specific needs. This flexibility makes Unity suitable for a wide range of game genres and styles.

7. VR and AR Support

Unity is at the forefront of virtual reality (VR) and augmented reality (AR) development. The engine provides comprehensive tools and frameworks for creating immersive VR and AR experiences, which are increasingly popular in the gaming industry.

8. Integrated Unity Gaming Services

Unity Gaming Services offers integrated solutions for multiplayer gaming, analytics, monetization, and player engagement. These services help developers manage and grow their games, providing essential tools for success in the competitive gaming market.


The Unity game engine offers numerous advantages, making it a top choice for game development. Its cross-platform capabilities, user-friendly interface, extensive asset store, strong community support, robust performance, flexibility, VR/AR support, and integrated Unity Gaming Services provide a comprehensive toolkit for creating outstanding games.

Example of motivation?

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Effective extrinsic motivation encourages a behavior by providing an external reward such as gifts, money, praise, power, recognition, etc.

What is language ego?

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Language ego refers to a person's sense of self that is tied to their language or linguistic abilities. It affects how individuals perceive their own worth and intelligence based on their proficiency in a particular language. Language ego can impact communication, language learning, and social interactions.

What is an example of a logic error?

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An example of a logic error is when a program runs without crashing but produces incorrect results due to a mistake in the logical flow of the code. For instance, if a program intended to calculate the average of a list of numbers instead multiplies them together by mistake, it would be a logic error.

What is the advantage of doubly linked list over singly linked list?

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It's not that one is better than the other. They are used in different circumstances. A linear linked list is used like an array, with the added benefits of random insertion/removal of elements, etc. A circular linked list is often used as a buffer where one portion of the program produces data and another consumes it, such as in communications.

What is hetrogenious linked list?

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A heterogeneous linked list is a linked list where each node can store different types of data. This is different from a homogeneous linked list where all nodes store the same type of data. Heterogeneous linked lists can be useful for scenarios where you need to store multiple types of data in a single list.

What is a circular singly linked lists?

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A circular singly linked list is a data structure that contains a series of nodes where each node has a reference to the next node in the list. The last node in the list points back to the first node, creating a cycle. This allows for efficient traversal in both directions and can be used for tasks like implementing circular buffers or round-robin scheduling.

How do you implement a doubly linked list by using singly linked list?

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To implement a doubly linked list using a singly linked list, you can create two nodes in each element of the singly linked list - one for the next element and another for the previous element. This way, each node will have access to both its previous and next nodes, effectively creating a doubly linked list structure using a singly linked list implementation.

What is heterogeneous linked list?

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A heterogeneous linked list is a data structure where each node can store data of different types. This allows for a flexible way to organize and manipulate data that may vary in structure or content. Each node contains a pointer to the next node in the list, enabling traversal and manipulation of the data.