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No it does not mean you have more fuel, it just means it is not as dense. Think of it as water, when you freeze it it contracts and uses less space, however when it thaws out you still have the same amount of water as you started with.

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Q: Suppose the volume of gasoline in your gas tank expands with warming temperatures Do you now have more gasoline?
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Will there be any changes to sea water temperature and salinity due to global warming?

Yes, sea water temperatures are already rising because of global warming. Warming water expands, so this is raising the sea levels. Melting glaciers and ice caps are also adding fresh water to the oceans, again raising sea levels. So global warming is going raise sea temperatures and make the seas less salty.

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A. Its warming of sea surface temperatures

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I suppose to create a calming/warming mood

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Global warming

What is the increase in temperatures worldwide is known as?

"global warming", usually.

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Gasoline is one of the fossil fuels (coal, oil and natural gas), the burning of which is causing global warming. Carbon dioxide, a greenhouse gas, rises into the atmosphere where it traps heat.

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Worldwide temperatures rising above their natural levels?

This is global warming.

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