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Q: Supreme court in the late 1980 has?
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What rulig did the supreme court make in the 1980's?

In 1980's, the supreme court made the ruling that an employer is liable for race discrimination where any part of its selection process, such as an examination, has a disparate impact on black applicants or employees.

What were the most famous cases solved in the Supreme court of India after 1980?

the Jessica lal case

How many sessions a year does the us Supreme Court justice meet?

A term of the Supreme Court begins on the first Monday in October. Usually Court sessions continue until late June or early July.

Who has final say in explaining the Constitution?

The Supreme Court.

What is the highest court in the United states-?

The correct name is the Supreme Court of the United States, but most people refer to it as the US Supreme Court. Each state has its own Supreme Court, but the US Supreme Court is the end of the line.

Who can rule that federal laws are unconstitutional?

(Supreme Court)

When was Thurgood Marshall elected as in the supreme court?

The late Thurgood Marshall's (July 2, 1908 - January 24, 1993) nomination to the Supreme Court was approved August 30, 1967[and he served with distinction] .

What is the highest court in the US?

The US Supreme Court is the highest court in the US. Each state has its own Supreme Court, but the US Supreme Court is the end of the line.

Which has the greater authority U.S Supreme Court or the state Supreme Court?

U.S Supreme Court

What type of court is the supreme court?

The US Supreme Court is the highest appellate court in the United States.

The highest court at state level is the supreme court?

state supreme court

Is a Supreme Court decision permanent?

In most cases a Supreme Court decision is permanent. The current Supreme Court can change the decision of a previous Supreme Court.