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Q: Symbols and blank are visible observable cues of the beliefs values systems or structure of a culture?
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What are some other culture belifts?

Beliefs that vary from one culture to another include cosmology (beliefs about the structure of the universe and beliefs relating to rituals. Each culture has a unique set of customs, or ways of doing things.

Six elements of culture?

The six elements of culture are beliefs, values, norms, symbols, language, and material culture. Beliefs refer to the ideas and convictions that a culture holds to be true. Values are the standards and principles that a culture deems important. Norms are the accepted behaviors and guidelines within a culture. Symbols are objects or gestures that have a specific meaning within a culture. Language is the system of communication within a culture. Material culture refers to the physical objects and artifacts that are created and used by a culture.

What is observable culture?

Observable culture is the visceral reflection of a company’s underlying values that drive business decisions and policies.

What how Goggle and idea of Google ambassador can be an element in their observable culture?

how Goggle's idea of "Google ambassador" can be an element in their observable culture

How do you xxplain briefly What is culture?

culture is shared systom of symbols, beliefs, attitude, values and norms. people belong to differnet culture have different outlooks and different se of assumptions.

Which field of anthropology studies how religious beliefs affects the development and the structure of a culture?

social anthropology

What are the three major components of culture?

Symbols, Language, and Values;as well as Food, Clothing, Music and other Cultural Elements.

What are the symbols in the manunggul jar?

The symbols in the Manunggul Jar represent Filipino beliefs in the afterlife. The boat symbolizes the journey to the afterlife, the two figures inside represent the deceased and a deity or guardian, and the puso (heart) symbolizes the soul. These symbols illustrate the importance of ancestral veneration and spiritual beliefs in Filipino culture.

What is symbolic anthropology?

Symbolic anthropology is a theoretical approach that examines how symbols, beliefs, and rituals shape and influence culture. It focuses on understanding the meaning behind cultural practices and how these symbolic systems help individuals and societies make sense of the world around them. Symbolic anthropology emphasizes the role of symbols in communication, identity formation, and social relationships.

Which field of anthropology studies how religious beliefs affect the development and structure of culture?

social anthropology

What is considered a minor component that makes a culture?

While language, values, and symbols are the major components of a culture, there are many minor components. Some of these include style of dress, foods eaten, and religious beliefs.

Why are symbols important to corporate culture?

this is so stuiped why do we need to learn about culture