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it is an endothermic reaction in which heat is absorbed.

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Q: Take about 2 g barium hydroxide in a test tube. Add 1 g of ammonium chloride and mix with the help of a glass rod. Is this an exothermic or an endothermic reaction?
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Why is the dissolution of ammonium chloride an exothermic reaction?

its endothermic

Is ammonium chloride is an exothermic?

an exothermic what? If you dissolve it in water, it's an endothermic process, and will absorb heat.

What type of reaction do you get when you mix ammonium chloride with water endo or exothermic?

good question endothermic. Ammonium chloride dissolves in water and makes it cold.

Is dissociation of ammonium chloride endothermic or exothermic?

The dissociation of ammonium chloride is endothermic because energy is required to break the bonds holding the ammonium ion (NH4+) and chloride ion (Cl-) together. This process absorbs heat from the surroundings, making it endothermic.

When ammonium chloride mixes with water the solution formed feels cold what type of reaction is this endothermic or exothermic?

When ammonium chloride dissolves in water, it is not a reaction at all, but only a dissolution. Since the solution formed feels cold, the dissolution is endothermic, absorbing heat from its surroundings.

What acid neutralises ammonium hydroxide to make ammonium chloride?

Hydrochloric acid (HCl) can neutralize ammonium hydroxide (NH4OH) to form ammonium chloride (NH4Cl) and water. The reaction involves the H+ ions from the acid reacting with the OH− ions from the base to form water, while the remaining ions combine to form the salt.

Is the dissolving of calcium chloride endothermic or exothermic?

Both beacuse in such coditions it can be endothermic or exothermic.

Will there be a reaction between ammonium hydroxide and ammonium chloride?

Yes, a reaction will occur between ammonium hydroxide and ammonium chloride to form ammonia gas, water, and ammonium chloride solution.

Is ammonium hydroxide the same as ammonium chloride?

No they are not same. Ammonium hydroxide is a weak base, an aqueous compound in normal state. Ammonium chloride is a an acidic salt and is a white powder in normal state.

Is the dissolving of sodium chloride in water endothermic or exothermic reaction?

The dissolving of sodium chloride in water is an exothermic reaction because it releases energy in the form of heat.

Is there a reaction between ammonium chloride and potassium hydroxide?

No.If you add ammonium chloride solution to potassium chloride solution all that happens is a solution with all the ions in it - ammonium ions, potassium ions, chloride ions and hydroxide ions.

When solid lead chloride dissolves in hot water is this endothermic or exothermic?

That would be an endothermic process.