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A competitors is a person that buys something from a business

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Q: Takl about competitors and how they might try and increase profits?
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Does the bible give any information to where the antichrist or the beast will be born at?

No one knows when the antichrist will be born, but after the rapture he will come to power and gradualy takl over the world

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beacuse his mom died and he could takl he only clothes his eyes and felt asleep

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Easy all u have to do is walk up to them say hi and start a friendly conrasation ask he/she whats there name tell them yours and ask he/she how old are they whens there birth day ok what ever you do try not to say any thing stupid like nice weather we have today and it's pouring down rain or healling and if you like he/she and that he/she is a girl and you like them whatever you do DO NOT and i mean DO NOT try to hit on them the first day because i know she wont takl to your @ss ever again and that's all for now

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you go into the store and you see a man reading a paper click him and he will say reality tv iland i going to start and drops the paper you pic it up and look at it and something falls out then you see also a number you go to that plae pick up a pen and click the phone call 555925 that should be it but if not call what ever spelles 555pete and then you say room 4d i think just the one in the middle and then they will send it then you takl to the girl outide with the pizza you end it to him he will give you a stamp you fill out the thing and put it in the mail afetr that it will have a story and you get on the show and then you jut keep trying to win the show i did it took me 5 times to do it but i did it and there you should be done byebye.......................

Why do you yell at your kid?

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Sheridan uses a love story and comedy to expose his thoughts about the society he was living in. Main themes are: The relationship between the older and the younger generation - way Sir Anthony and Mrs Malaprop takl to Jack and Lydia- they beelieve they should be obeyed always and that the younger generation should have no say in who they marry. Also Sir Anthony belives womemn shouldn't be allowed to learn how to read!! Sentimentality - Lydia's sensibilty almost loses her relationship with Jack. Sheridan wants to show that you can still have love without poverty and elopements Deception - evryone is deceieving evryone else lol Purpose for duels - Acres almost fights for no reason. Sheridan almost died in a duel himself and in saying that people duelled for the silliest reasons Insecurities of men - Faulkland

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When is the antichrist born?

No one knows when the antichrist will be born, but after the rapture he will come to power and gradualy takl over the world.AnswerSince the date of the Rapture is unknown, it also means the date of the building of the 3rd Jewish Temple is unknown, which means the date for the mid-point of the Tribulation is unknown, which means mankind does not know when Antichrist will be born. Because Satan does not know when Christ will return, it means that he has always had arranged to have born and be grooming an "Antichrist" every generation or so. (For example, in the 1930's - mid-1940's it was Hitler: make you own lists!)