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Q: Teenagers with too much freedom tend to misuse it?
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Why do teenagers tend to go on drugs?

they like to experiment

Why is insurance so expensive for teenagers?

Because people tend to believe that teenagers are more accident prone.

Does a teenagers diet often contain little iron?

A teenager's diet often consists of high iron actually. This is because teenagers tend to eat a lot of red meat.

Why do teenagers use pimple cream?

teenagers tend to take care of their personality and having acne is not the best thing in that case they use pimple cream to remove or prevent acne.

How much freedom does a person have in a democracy?

Democracy does not promise freedom, nor does freedom promise democracy. They both tend to make the other much more likely, though. Freedom - and I can only assume that by this, you mean life, liberty, the pursuit of happiness (or the original "property") and the inalienable attendant rights - is guarded bloodlessly only through democracy. It is most often attained at the barrel of a gun, but it can often be maintained with the vote (and defended with a well trained army). So, I guess the real answer is that a person has as much freedom as they are willing to ensure.

Do older people use libraries more than teenagers?

Those who use the library the most tend to be between the ages of 18 and 24. Seniors, compared to other age groups, tend to use the library less often.

Why do teenagers tend to have have more zits?

Teenagers most often have the most pimples because their hormones are make the face produce more oil and other skin changes which cause more blemishes than they had before. This will go away after they mature and their hormones even out.


as of 2010, Ghana's Birth rate is 28.09 births /1000. check CIA world factbook for everything.

How drug and substance abuse can be controlled?

Control of drug misuse and abuse is tough when your going through a rehabilitation stage. But try to stay strong cause people will tend to fall back. It's good that you can at least control your misuse of drugs. Keep up the good work. ^_^=b

What is the best amount of sleep?

About 8 hours for most people. Some people are fine with less, others need more. Over about 10 or 11 hours may be cause for concern, but not much so. Children and teenagers tend to need more than adults.

What teenagers are nonsmokers?

There is no direct or immediate answer to this question, usually if they are smokers they are more withdrawn from school, tend to smell like smoke, and wear much perfume/ cologne. THESE ARE NOT FOR SURE SYMPTOMS, if a teen has all three of these they can still be not smokers, it depends on the teen. Get to know them and the answer will soon be uncovered...

Why does the relationship among teenagers do not last long?

Teenage years are when we develop many of the things that we carry forward into our adult lives. It is a time of definition for many people. There are many and varied reasons why relationships between teenagers do not tend to last very long, and it's on a case by case basis.