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yes because now we are motivated to watch it

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Q: Television has made us nation watchers not doers?
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Television has made us a society of watchers not doers Agree or disagree?

agree bro agree

Has television made America a Nation of watchers not doers?

no, we press the button to turn on the tv don't we. it has turned those who had nothing to do with their lives into those who have even less to do with them and it has people who had somthing to do with their lives people who have either become obsessed with t.v. of lazy.

Where are weight watchers products made?


Who makes the Weight Watchers lunch meat line?

The Weight Watchers lunch meat line is made by Hillshire Farms

Who invented the agualung?

The Aqualung was the first commercially-available practical SCUBA. It was invented by Emile Gagnon and Jacques Cousteau in 1942, and went into production in 1943. In 1958, Lloyd Bridges starred in a show about an ex-Navy diver who made the Aqualung known to many TV watchers.

What technology that is different from today in the book Fahrenheit 451?

In Fahrenheit 451, they have TV walls, walls that are literally made of TV screens. The programs are senseless, with almost or no plot line in them. The people on TV are called "the family" even though they are not really related to the TV watchers. They also have cars that go 100s of miles per hour on city streets. They don't have any trains anymore, either.

Where can I find reliable information on diet plans that actually work?

From watching different adds on television and hearing feedback from friends and family members, I would recommend Weight Watchers as one of the most effective diet plans. There are so many recipe books and snacks that Weight Watchers has made that can really help anyone stick to an easy and effective diet plan. A good way to learn more about diet plans is to talk to a registered physician.

Why was were Video Games Made?

My theories are:A:Video games are supposed to be a form of interactive movies. Where you are the action you make the action and they are a form of challenge.B:Video games were made to make money from merchandise obviouslyMake your own theories too. Also search on Google, ask your friends.I would keep this as a incomplete answer but it's ok isn't it?Video games were made to relieve boredom from young people.Video Games Were also a way to occupy tv since there invention because tv stations couldn't keep up so there were a lot of reruns so in order to make sure the tv didnt become obsolete they made video games to occupy tv watchers

What year was the tv made in?

the first tv was made in 1927

When were TVs were made?

tv's were made in1666 so tv's are really old

What was the main event that made a new nation'?

what was the main event that made a "new nation"

Who where the countries that made the league of nation?

Wardrobe Wilson Was the guy who made league of nation