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Q: Term for postwar territories expected to be governed by the league of nations?
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1 What were the origins of the postwar settlement for Europe?

united nations

What were the two most important elements of Woodrow Wilson's postwar vision?

The first most important element of Woodrow Wilson's postwar vision was the creation of a league of nations. The second was disarmament.

Why did a number of nations join to form NATO in 1949?

To solve postwar problems as an agency of the United Nations. -JenniferMichelle Kinsel (:

The postwar trials set a standard by which nations and individuals can be held accountable for their actions during a war?


Did the creation of mandates take place before World War 1?

No, "Mandates" were created after World War One. Mandates were created under the auspices of the league of Nations, which itself was a postwar organization. This was among the items negotiated at the Versailles Peace Conference - which of the victorious nations would get what Mandates. Completely ignored, despite President Wilson's best efforts, were the nationalistic aspirations and desires of the people who actually lived in the "mandated" territories.

How does Wallace's vision of postwar world differ from Henry Locus?

Wallace believed in a more idealistic vision of a postwar world based on peace, cooperation, and collective security through organizations like the United Nations. On the other hand, Luce's vision was more nationalistic and focused on the United States taking a leading role in shaping the postwar world to promote American interests and values.

Use postwar in a sentence?

The army had a postwar celebration.

Reaction when Napoleon escaped from Elba?

It was disconcerting for many Nations, but the Congress of Vienna continued their deliberation regarding the postwar realignment of Europe after declaring Napoleon an Outlaw.

Postwar in a sentence?

During the postwar period, there was little food.

Which was the postwar alliance between the us Canada and 10 western European nations?

That was NATO. Both Canada and the USA were founding members with the 10 western European countries in 1949.

A sentence using postwar?

During the postwar era, it did not see the end of imperialism.

What is the best term to describe the postwar Western economic model?

For individual nations: welfare capitalism (for states); multi-national corporation (for business). For the West as a whole: the Bretton Woods system.