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text report rafflesia arnoldi

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Q: Text report about flower raflesia arnoldi?
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Mainly to persuade others or your audience.

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What is the difference between report and description?

the difference betwen report and description tex are 1. participant : - description text describes the things, places, persons, or object specifically, whereas report text describe the things, places, persons, or object generally. 2. information : description text needn't observation, whereas report text need observation and learning more about the text 3. language : description text usually doesn't use scientific language, but in report text is often found the scientific language in the text.

How do you text a flower?

You could try these characters: ---{<@

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Contoh text report?

Berikut adalah contoh teks laporan singkat: "Pada hari ini, kami melakukan survei kepuasan pelanggan terhadap produk baru kami. Dari hasil survei yang dilakukan, sebanyak 85% dari pelanggan menyatakan puas dengan kualitas produk dan layanan yang kami tawarkan. Namun, terdapat beberapa saran yang disampaikan untuk perbaikan di masa mendatang, seperti peningkatan dalam proses pengiriman dan komunikasi dengan pelanggan."

What is Definition of report text and example?

a text which give information completely, reach up to global and detail, this text difference with descriptive text.