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No. The Supreme Court ruling that declared racially segregated school systems to be inherently unequal was Brown v. Board of Education which overruled Plessy v. Ferguson.

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Q: The 1954 Supreme Court ruling that declared racially segregated school systems inherently unequal was Plessy V Ferguson?
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Why do some American schools still have racially segregated proms - especially in the South?

They don't.

How did the brown v education end?

The Supreme Court ruled that racially segregated schools are illegal.

De facto segregation is when people are separated?

By the reality of neighborhood schools located in areas that happen to be racially segregated.

Which Supreme Court Case is important to the welfare of society?

As this question clearly calls for an opinion, my answer is Brown v. Board of Education which held that racially segregated public schools were in violation of the equal protection clause of the US Constitution, thus directly overturning Plessy v. Ferguson. ----

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Many states and cities appear to still be segregated racially. One reason is because people tend to choose to live in areas within their comfort zone. Those of certain racial groups may choose to live near others who share similar cultural experiences.

Black and whites going to school together is called?

A racially integrated school. Conversely, a school (system) that keeps blacks and whites separated is said to be "segregated."

How does plessy vs Ferguson and To Kill a Mockingbird relate?

"Plessy v. Ferguson" (1896) upheld the "separate but equal" doctrine, allowing racial segregation. "To Kill a Mockingbird" (1960) addresses racism and discrimination in the US through the trial of Tom Robinson. Both highlight the injustices faced by African Americans in a racially segregated society.

What decision resulted from plessy v. Ferguson?

The decision in Plessy v. Ferguson (1896) upheld racial segregation under the "separate but equal" doctrine, allowing states to implement racially segregated public facilities as long as they were deemed equal in quality. This decision paved the way for the establishment of legal segregation across the United States, reinforcing racial inequality and discrimination for decades until it was overturned by Brown v. Board of Education in 1954.

What was the reason of the US supreme court when it banned laws requiring separate school for different races?

Racially segregated public schools deny equal treatment under the law

Why was Plessy vs Ferguson important?

Plessy vs Ferguson was a landmark Supreme Court case that upheld the constitutionality of racial segregation laws. It established the "separate but equal" doctrine, allowing for racially segregated public facilities and services. This decision had a profound and negative impact on civil rights for African Americans, as it perpetuated segregation and discrimination for nearly six decades until it was overturned by Brown v. Board of Education in 1954.

What is Jim Crow most famous for?

Jim Crow is most famous for his "Jim Crow Laws," which said that certain facilities in the South were to be racially segregated, coining the phrase, "separate but equal."

What role did the 14th amendment play in the plessy vs Ferguson?

The 14th Amendment, which guarantees equal protection under the law, was a central part of the legal argument in Plessy v. Ferguson. However, in a controversial decision, the Supreme Court ruled that racially segregated facilities were constitutional as long as they were "separate but equal." This ruling upheld racial segregation for many decades, until it was overturned by the landmark case, Brown v. Board of Education.