

The 4 closest planets to the sun?

Updated: 8/17/2019
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13y ago

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Mercury, Venus, Earth, then Mars

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Q: The 4 closest planets to the sun?
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The 4 planets closest to the sun are called?

The inner planets

What are the four planets closest to the sun called?

The 4 Planets closet to the sun are Mercury, Venus, Earth, & Mars. the inner or terrestrial planets

What point in a planets oribits is closest to the sun?

perihelion is the point in a planets orbit when it is closest to the sun

What is the main different between the inner and outer planets?

the inner planets are closest to the sun and the outer planets are farthest from the sun { Answered by a grade 4 student}

The first four planets found closest to the sun are called?

The first four planets closest to the Sun are the four terrestial planets.

Give the list of planets closest to the sun?

In order, the list of planets closest to the sun (from closest to farthest), Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars.

What describes the planets that are closest to the sun?

They are rocky planets.

What are the four you inner planets?

The 4 inner planets are Mercury, Venus, Earth, and Mars. THey are considered inner planets because they are closest to the sun.

What is the largest of the 4 planets closest to the sun?

Earth but Venus is almost the same size

What planets close to the sun?

Mercury is the closest of the eight planets to the sun.

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Is it true that when the sun dies all the other planets die too?

only the two closest planets will die when the sun dies in 4 billion years