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In the Garden of Eden, Adam and Eve were sinless and were spiritually alive to God. After they sinned they died spiritually. Everyone who has ever been born since that time has been born spiritually dead. Spiritually dead people hate God. They are enemies against God. God wants to redeem you back to Himself. He sent His only begotten Son to earth to die for your sins and to be resurrected the third day. If you accept Jesus Christ, God's Son, as your personal Savior, God will forgive you and bring you back to Himself with spiritual life that will last an eternity. This is the story that is contained in the New Testament of The Bible. Jesus is coming soon. Are you ready, have you been redeemed back to God the Father?

If you are not redeemed you are living the way Satan wants you to live, ie sinful without forgiveness.

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Q: The Bible mentions redemption and redeemed What do you need to be redeemed from?
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