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the frequency of the wavelength

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Q: The Doppler effect of a passing siren results from an apparent change in?
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A detected apparent change in the pitch caused by the motion of a sound source or of an observer is called?

The Doppler effect.The Doppler effect.The Doppler effect.The Doppler effect.

Which term describes an apparent change in frequency of sound waves of rapidly moving objects?

Doppler effect

Would it be correct to say that the Doppler effect is the apparent change in the speed of a wave due to the motion of the source?

No. The Doppler effect is about a change of frequency, not about a change of speed. The relative speed may change as well, but that's not what the Doppler effect is about.

Is the Doppler effect the same as a reflected wave?

No. The Doppler effect is an apparent change in frequency, due to movement, away from towards the observer.

The apparent change in the pitch of a car's horn as it moves past you is a reult of the?

doppler effect

The apparent change in the frequency of a sound emitted by a moving object?

Is called Doppler Effect

Would it be correct to say that the Doppler effect is the apparent change in the speed of a wave due to motion of the source?

No, the doppler effect applies to changes in frequency.

Would it be correct to say that the Doppler effect is the apparent change in speed of a wave due to motion of the source?

No, the doppler effect applies to changes in frequency.

How is the Doppler effect on light waves analogous to the apparent change in pich of a passing train whistle?

When the train gets close to you the sound wave are compressed making a higher pitch noise and as the train passes the sound waves become lengthened. That is the doppler effect in a nutshell. Now just compare it to how the doppler effect changes light waves.

The apparent change in frequency as a wave source moves in relation to the listener is called?

The Doppler effect is that apparent change of the frequency of a moving object when someone is stationary. A car may seem to get louder as it gets closer to a person and then the sound will drop as the car gets away.

The apparent change in the frequency of a sound emitted by a moving object as it passes a stationary abserver?

That would be the Doppler Effect.

The apparent change in the frequency of a sound emitted by a moving object as it passes a stationary observer is called the what effect?

Doppler effect.