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Q: The Etruscans were highly civilized people who excelled in all the following?
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Highly ordered stage of cultural development?

The answer is civilized.

What are 2 examples of characteristics of a highly civilized society?


When About 600 BC Rome was conquered by a group from Asia Minor known as the .?

It is to be supposed to be the Etruscans. However: 1) it is not a definitely established fact that they came from Lydia in western Turkey. 2) the fashionable theory that the Etruscans conquered Rome has now been challenged. Its evidence base is flimsy and it relies on unproven assumptions. More recent archaeological evidence suggests a different picture. Moreover, the Roman tradition does not say that there was an Etruscan conquest or that there was a period of rule by Etruscan kings. What they say is that the Romans elected a half Etruscan and half Greek as their 5th king following the due process. It was normal for the Romans to elect a foreign king, they had done it before. The historians who argue that Rome was conquered by the Etruscans say that the Romans covered the invasion up. This is most highly implausible. These historians also rely heavily on the assumption that the Etruscans were a superior civilisation and the Romans were backwards. Recent archaeology has shown that the Latins had a flourishing aristocracy and great wealth even before the supposed before supposed conquest, that they were involved in long distance trade and that they under the influence of the Greeks from Cumae (near Naples) as well as the Etruscans. These historians also say that the Etruscans were good engineers and the Romans were not. It has now been shown that the Latins, like the Etruscans, also had well engineered irrigation systems. An important innovation in house building was the tiled roof. This was a Latin innovation. Therefore, backwards they were not.

Conflict with Mexico became highly likely following the granting of statehood to?


Transportation and communication systems are not highly developed in Latin America for all the following reasons except?


Related questions

What part of speech is the word civilized?

The word civilized is an adjective. It is used to describe a society that is highly developed.

What is a word meaning highly ordered stage of cultural development?


Highly ordered stage of cultural development?

The answer is civilized.

What are 2 examples of characteristics of a highly civilized society?


What are characteristics of a highly civilized society?

Characteristics of a highly civilized society include quality healthcare and good education. Low crime rates and uncorrupted judicial systems are also indicators.

What does highly civilized mean?

Where? in South Texas... Walmart and a DQ. A person who exhibits a deep and detailed knowledge of civilization, who cares about civilization and its values and practices, and who acts in accordance with the ideals of civilization, may be described as highly civilized.

What is modern Germany like?

Modern Germany is a highly civilized, highly democratic country, firmly committed to the European Union.

What is a word that starts with a C that means highly ordered stage of cultural development?


What is the word civilized?

The word civilized means:Having a highly developed society and culture.Showing evidence of moral and intellectual advancement; humane, ethical, and reasonable: terrorist acts that shocked the civilized world.Marked by refinement in taste and manners; cultured; polished.

What planet has the US discovered as a highly civilized planet?

No highly civilised planet has ever been discovered to date. Including the one you are stood on.

Is Inuit considered primitive or civilized?

Considered by whom? What do you mean by the terms "primitive" and "civilized"? The word "primitive" may have a meaning if you put it in a specific context; "civilized" is such an emotionally loaded term that you're better off not using it. A community can be technologically "primitive" while adhering to a highly "civilized" mode of conduct.

Which of the following best describes primate behavior?

Highly social