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Q: The First American in Space - Rin Tin Tin - Jesus?
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What do these have in common The First American in Space - Rin Tin Tin - Jesus?

They were all Shepards - First Amercan: Allan B Shepard, Jesus was a Shepard, and Rin Tin Tin was a Shepard dog.

What is the Bukshah's name in Rowan of Rin?


What is a star with a tail called?

Comets are not stars so if that was the answer the questioner suspected, then that is not correct. There are many stars with tails however. I can think of few: Mickey Mouse, Rin Tin Tin, Lassie, etc. etc.

Explain how certain structures on earth remain stable because of Abraham paul a bartolome?

ewan ko sayo,ndi ko nga rin alam eh!!=(byjeza mari m. alejobleeh!! =P

What are the disadvantages of spacecraft?

Presently, they are very expensive to get into space. Private industries are attempting to get into the space race and lower the costs to the point where it becomes more accessible in general, but as it is currently run by governments, the cost per pound of equipment being sent into space is between $1,700 and $6,500. Additionally, near-Earth space, being a hard vacuum close to a star (our sun) is an extremely hostile environment. Radiation from the Sun is not blocked by atmosphere, and any travel beyond near-Earth removes the protection of the Earth's magnetic field. Additionally, we've actually reached the point now where collisions between satellites is not inconceivable. We tend to re-use the same orbits and they are starting to get cluttered. For humans in space, the issues are compounded. Microgravity is very hard on human bodies, muscle tissue and bone density suffer greatly. The environment in which they live must be self-contained; a breach in the outer skin of a space ship could doom the entire crew. And essentially all organic materials must be recycled with extreme efficiency in order to prevent toxic buildup and to allow the crew to have breathable air, drinkable water, and for any extended trip, edible food.