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General will"

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Q: The French philosopher Jean Rousseau coined what term?
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What did the French philosopher Jean Rousseau coined?

"General will"

Who was Rousseau?

Jean-Jacques Rousseau was an influential 18-century French philosopher who wrote The Social Contract.

Who wrote 'Man is born free and everywhere he is in chains'?

Jean-Jacques Rousseau wrote, "Man was born free, and he is everywhere in chains." Rousseau was a famous French philosopher and playwright.

What do you mean by Rousseau?

Jean-Jacques Rousseau Swiss-French philosopher 1712-1778 Théodore Rousseau French painter 1812-1867 Henri Rousseau French painter 1844-1910

Who was a French political philosopher who admired the English form government?

Jean Jacques Rousseau

Who was a French political philosopher who admired the English form of government?

Jean Jacques Rousseau

Who was the philosopher Rousseau?

Jean-Jacques Rousseau was an 18th-century philosopher, writer, and composer known for his ideas on society and government. He is most famous for his work "The Social Contract" where he argues for the primacy of individual freedom. Rousseau had a significant influence on the French Revolution and Romanticism.

What are Rousseau ideas?

Jean-Jacques Rousseau (1712-1778 CE) was a Genevan philosopher during the French Revolution. The ideas he promoted were democracy and personal freedom under the law.

Who said this man was born free but everywhere else he is in chains?

This quote is from French philosopher Jean-Jacques Rousseau in his work "The Social Contract." Rousseau believed that society's institutions and rules limit individual freedoms, though people are born naturally free.

Who said it was ridiculous for continent to belong to island?

This quote is attributed to Jean-Jacques Rousseau, a French philosopher. Rousseau believed it was ridiculous for a continent to belong to an island, highlighting his views on colonialism and the ownership of land.

Swiss philosopher who wrote The Social Contract in 1762?

Jean Jacques Rousseau

How did Jean-Jacques Rousseau influence American Government?

Jean-Jacques Rousseau was a philosopher of the 18th century. His ideologies about the nature of man and his work on the social contract both had major influence on how the American Government runs today.