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Samuel Alito

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Q: The Judiciary Committee hearings of which Supreme Court nominee received the most intensive lobbying efforts by interest groups?
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Related questions

What is another name for an interest group?

Political action committee and lobbyist are other names for interest group.

How do you use interest group in a sentence?

The committee has approved our proposal, so now we can present it before their interest group.

What type of interest group is the VFW?

The VFW is a Political Action Committee

Can audit committee protect minority shareholder interest?

Most of Audit Committee INED are friends of Chairman, so they are not really independent!

What measures may a court take to restrain press coverage in the interest of a fair trial?

limit the exclusion of the press to only pretrial hearings on the suppression of evidence

What measures may a court take a restrain press coverage in the interest of a fair trial?

limit the exclusion of the press to only pretrial hearings on the suppression of evidence

A group of people with common interest why try to influence government decisions?

Depending on their formation, they can be: a special interest group, a political action committee, or a lobby.

What organized interest groups apply pressure to government through?

lobbyist or political action committee

Interest groups help elect politicians by contributing funds to which organizations?

Political action committee

An iron triangle is made up of an alliance between?

An iron triangle is typically formed between government regulators, industry representatives, and congressional committees. This alliance often leads to influence over government policies and decisions in favor of the involved parties.

What is meant by 'killed in committee'?

In the American House of Representatives and the Senate proposed bills are first sent to the committee that oversees that particular area of interest. There are committee on all sorts of industry, foreign policy, judiciary and even the house's own rules. They propose changes, add amendments and finally vote on whether it should go to the full house or senate to be voted on. Committees are comprised of a percentage based on who is in the majority. So, most bills get out of committee rather easily even on a straight party line vote. If there is a problem with the bill, if the majority changes or more importantly members of the majority are pressured to "kill the bill" from inside or outside their respective congressional districts the bill fails to get out of committee. Some bills do not see the inside of a committee room, most recently Democrats conducted business this way, in order to give cover to those politicians who are on the committee but don't want to vote for the bill.

What does the federal open market committee make when it meets?

The Federal Open Market Committee within the Federal Reserve System oversees the nations open market operations. The Committee makes the key decisions about interest rates and the growth of the US money supply.