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Q: The Lone Ranger rode into town in Friday He Stayed 5 consecutive days and left on Friday How could this be?
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How did a man ride into town on Friday stay for three days and leave on Friday?

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Consecutive identical digits could be digits that are the same and appear next to one another in a number. For example, the hundreds and tens digits in 1442 could be considered consecutive identical.

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You couldn't. Where you were born is where you stayed. Born a serf stayed a serf, born a peasant stayed a peasant, born noble stayed noble. Nobles could move to some extent if they pleased the crown, but that was it.

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This could be chronological or sequential.

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Consecutive means in a row, or in order. Consecutive integers are 1, 2, 3, 4 and sets like that. Consecutive even numbers might be 2, 4, 6. Consecutive multiples of 11 could include 33, 44, 55.

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Yes 1 2 and 3 are consecutive and prime

How could a cowboy ride into town on Friday?

He rode into town on Friday, he bumped his head, then he lived there for three days, he rode back home on Thursday. He was not sure how that could happen, but actually, he was dreaming!!!!!!!

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Why does your Winchester Ranger 120 Jam?

Could be dirty, could be ammunition, could be worn parts.

How do you differentiate if you are talking about two different Fridays?

You can differentiate between the two by saying -- this Friday or last Friday or not last Friday but the Friday before. Last Friday I went to visit Jack. This Friday Jack came to our house. Not last Friday but the Friday before I met Jack at the cafe. If you are talking about Fridays in the future you could say -- Not this Friday but next Friday