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Q: The Martian polar caps are thought to be mainly frozen methane and ammonia?
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Do the ice caps on Mars change?

yes they change as they are not permanent they are actually frozen water and mostly frozen carbon-Di oxide.these ice caps occur every martian winter and they disappear during martian summer but when they form the next time they change a little in shape

What planets atmosphere is mostly nitrogen?

This one...the earth. The other planets are made up of critical gases,like methane, with frozen planets like Pluto made up of layers of frozen gases, such as a suspected layer of oxygen underneath layers of nitrogen and methane, and sulfuric gases which tend to snow out on the cold side of the planet.

Where is the Kuiper Belt and what type of bodies are located there?

Kuiper Belt is the remotest and the farthest part of our solar system, starting from the orbit of Neptune. It is much like the asteroid belt, but is 20-200 times heavier. It contains, mostly the remnants of the solar system formation. It also has asteroids of large size, comets and cooled gases.

Does it snow on Jupiter?

No. Jupiter is composed almost completely of hydrogen, which becomes a slurry at lower elevations and eventually liquid hydrogen. There's no clear boundary between the atmosphere and surface of Jupiter. It does, however, snow on Jupiter Peak, in Utah.

What absorbs the energy that is radiated from earths surface?

Certain gases like water vapor, methane, and carbon dioxide return heat to the Earth. Fortunately, too, as this action keeps us from being frozen solid. The majority of heat, though, is reflected out into space.

Related questions

What is made out of dust and rock particles mixed with frozen water methane and ammonia?

A Comet <3

What planet has a frozen atomsphere?

In our own solar system, Uranus has a frozen atmosphere made up largely of ammonia and methane ice crystals.

What is a space object formed from dust and rock particles mixed with frozen water methane and ammonia that forms a bright coma as it approaches the sun?

A space object formed from dust and rock particles mixed with frozen water, methane, and ammonia that forms a bright coma as it approaches the sun is a comet.

Does freezing ammonia destroy its properties?

No. Frozen ammonia is still ammonia.

What are comet nuclei made out of?

Comet nuclei are composed of a mixture of rock, dust, ice, and frozen gases such as water, carbon dioxide, methane, and ammonia. These materials are thought to be remnants from the early days of the solar system, providing important clues about its formation and evolution.

What is Pluto made of?

Pluto is the only planet in the solar system that has not been explored with a spacecraft. What is know about the dark, frozen world is the result of many years of work by scientists. It is thought that Pluto is made up of a mixture of rocks and several kinds of "ices". Scientists believe that most of the ices that make up Pluto are frozen methane and ammonia.

How does Uranus look inside?

Uranus is mostly made of ICE. Frozen Water, Ammonia, and Methane. At its very center is a core of Rock, relatively small in size compared to the outer Ice layers.

Is Neptune a frozen planet or a water planet?

It is a water planet. Although the mantle is termed icy - as is the convention in planetary science - it is, in fact, a hot dense fluid consisting of water, ammonia and methane.

Is there any water on Uranus moons?

Uranus has an average temperature of -214 so any water that is on this planet would be frozen. Uranus's core is made up of frozen water, methane, hydrogen and ammonia.

Are frozen nitrogen methane and carbon monoxide Pluto's metals?

No. While frozen methane, carbon dioxide, and nitrogen do exist on Pluto, they are not metals.

Is ammonia pungent when frozen?

Modern home freezers don't contain ammonia; but ammonia can be used as a refrigerant.

What Object with frozen methane surface?

A comet