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Maya left a record from the time period.

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Q: The Maya were the first to create a writing system. They used symbols and pictures to record ideas. They carved these symbols into stones and wrote them in books made with paper. What is one result of?
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What are symbols used in picture writing?

The items used in picture writing are generally referred to as symbols. When used to create elaborate thoughts or ideas, they are called "pictograms" which means "picture message." Varying forms of writing will have different specific terminology. An example is that Egyptian picture writing symbols are called Heiroglyphs, and those present in ancient Sumarrian scrypt are called Cuneiform. Each language has its own terms for the pictures that represent words, but the fundamental definition is that they are all "pictograms" meaning, "pictures that convey a message."

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In Japan, there are 3 writing systems:Hiragana - 46 phonetic symbols plus modifiers to create 71 symbolsKatakana - 46 phonetic symbols plus modifiers to create 71 symbolsKanji - officially 2,136 (but in actuality, there are more than 50,000)

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Graphics is about pictures, images, letters and symbols. Software are the instructions to a computer to do things. Graphics software are computer tools that lets you draw and write things to create images, pictures and symbols.

How do you create a character on WikiAnswers?

There is no such thing as a 'character' on WikiAnswers. There are no pictures, symbols, or avatars linked with your account. To create an acccount, simply click the 'Join' link to the left side of any page next to the sign in box.

What does a tattoo artist do?

Tattoo artists use professional ink and needles to create symbols, words, and pictures on peoples' bodies. The tattoos they create on the person's body are permanent unless removed by a doctor specialized in tattoo removal.

Who started writing?

The Sumerians, who lived in what is now Iraq and Iran sometime before 3000 BCE, were the first people to create a formal system of writing, called cuneiform writing. In this form of writing, symbols were pressed onto tablets of damp clay using a stylus, or small stick.

Can writing exist without language?

Writing typically involves the use of symbols or characters to convey meaning, which are based on language. However, it is possible to create non-verbal forms of communication that could be considered a type of writing, such as pictograms or symbolic representations. Ultimately, writing as we commonly understand it is closely linked to language but there are ways to convey information without using verbal language.

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The descriptive language that forms vivid mental pictures is called imagery. This literary device uses sensory details to create a mental image for the reader, enhancing the text's appeal and impact.

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Gutzon Borglum carved and created Mount Rushmore.

Which of these best states how highlights and thinking with symbols are similar reading techiques?

When highlighting, you create categories for each color just as you create categories for different symbols

What is the motto of Cut to Create?

Cut to Create's motto is 'Moving Pictures.'.