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On 27 September 1821.

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Q: The Mexicans revolted from Spanish rule and finally won their independence in?
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What African country under French control revolted in 1954?

Algeria revolted against the French from 1954 to 1962. Algeria finally gained its independence from France, after 8 years of intense fighting.

Why did Mexico finally gain independence from Spain?

To avoid adopting liberal Spanish policies

What problem did Mexico's war of independence finallysolve in 1821?

mexico's war of indepwndence finally set the country free from spanish rule.

When was the Declaration of Independence finally published?

the Declaration of Independence was finally published, on the Fourth of July, 1776

What is the day of independence in Colombia?

Colombia celebrates its independence annually on July 20, which is the date of its declaration in 1810. However, internal conflicts led to the reimposition of Spanish rule. Independence was finally gained under Simon Bolivar on August 7, 1819.

When did the Peninsulares leave Mexico?

Peninsular was the term given to anyone born in Spain.After the Mexican War of Independence, they split off into two categories: those who left Mexico between the end of the war and the date the Spanish Empire finally renounced to the sovereignty of its overseas holdings in the Americas (1821-1833) and those who stayed indefinitely. Nowadays, most Mexicans (60-80%) can trace their origins to both Native American and Spanish ancestry.

When did Venezuela get its independence?

Venezuela declared their independence on July 5th, 1811.

How did the Romans finally charge there government after 200 of harsh monarchin rule?

They revolted, drove the last king out and established the republic.

From whom and when did Egypt get nominal independence?

Egypt finally gained nominal independence from British in 1922.

When did England finally agree to the colonies independence?

It was in 1778.

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Does Jamaica belong to great Britain?

Not any more. Once a Spanish possession known as Santiago, in 1655 it became a British colony, known as "Jamaica". It finally achieved full independence in 1962.